Søk: 'Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine'
A Guide to Pain Medicine
ISBN 9789622095441 , 2002 , Joseph Chuan Shih Yang, Siu Lun Tsui
Air Pollution & Tree Health in the United Kingdom
ISBN 9780117526365 , 1993 , Dept.of Environment
A Personal History of Nuclear Medicine
ISBN 9781846280726 , 2008 , 9781846280726, Henry N. Wagner
An Introduction to Genetics & Fetal Medicine
ISBN 9788184489606 , 2010 , Deepika Deka
Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine
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Rubin's Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine
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Health Care Law
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Veterinary Medicine: The Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats
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International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF.
ISBN 9789241545426 , 2001 , World Health Organization
Radiation Protection in the Health Sciences: With Problem Solutions Manual
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Seeing Child Care: A Guide for Assessing the Effectiveness of Child Care Programs
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Eat Your Way to Natural Good Health: How to Achieve and Maintain Your Ideal Weight and Health Without Drugs and Pain
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Handbook of Stress, Coping, and Health: Implications for Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice
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Flexible Learning Approaches in Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor Education: Liberating the Curriculum
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Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences with Statdisk
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Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955-1985
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Master Dentistry: Volume 1: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine
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Health Assessment Online to Accompany Health Assessment for Nursing Practice
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Medical work in America: essays on health care
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Settings for health promotion: linking theory and practice
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Health and Beauty; Or, Corsets and Clothing, Constructed in Accordance with the Physiological Laws of the Human Body
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An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness
ISBN 9781412918787 , 2008 , Kevin White
Studyguide for Calculus for Biology and Medicine by Neuhauser, Claudia, ISBN 9780321644688
ISBN 9780321644688 , 2012 , Claudia Neuhauser
Biostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences with Statdisk: Pearson New International Edition
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Aging: The Health-Care Challenge: The Health-Care Challenge
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Promoting Health: Global Perspectives
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Transcultural Health and Social Care: Development of Culturally Competent Practitioners
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Analytical Contribution Accounting: The Interface of Cost Accounting and Pricing Policy
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Health Care Economics
ISBN 9780766806993 , 1998 , Paul J. Feldstein