Søk: 'Digital Design With Cpld Applications and Vhdl'
Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines
ISBN 9780124079144 , 2014 , Jeff Johnson
The complete guide to digital photography: with 843 colour illustrations
ISBN 9780500542460 , 2001 , Michael Freeman
Web Designer's Reference: An Integrated Approach to Web Design with XHTML and CSS
ISBN 9781590594308 , 2005 , Craig Grannell
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
ISBN 9780321766564 , 2010 , Morris L. Marx, Richard J. Larsen,m.fl.
Digital Battlespace Handbook
ISBN 9781907454141 , 2010 , Ian Kemp
Design History: Understanding Theory and Method
ISBN 9781847885371 , 2009 , Kjetil Fallan
Art and design 1
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Art and design 1
ISBN 9788202192426 , 2001 , Kjell Richard Andersen, Marcie Madden Austad,m.fl.
Sears and Zemansky's University Physics: With Modern Physics
ISBN 9780321696861 , 2010 , Hugh D. Young, A. Lewis Ford
Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780132066921 , 2008 , Allan R. Hambley
ISBN 9780071106979 , 2007 , Richard A. Magill
Bulletproof Web Design: Improving Flexibility and Protecting Against Worst-Case Scenarios with XHTML and CSS
ISBN 9780321346933 , 2006 , Dan Cederholm
Ship Knowledge: Ship Design, Construction and Operation
ISBN 9789071500183 , 2011 , Klaas van Dokkum
Scale Development: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780761926047 , 2003 , Robert F. DeVellis
Psychological testing: principles and applications
ISBN 9780130273956 , 2001 , Kevin R. Murphy, Charles O. Davidshofer
Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
ISBN 9780534423629 , 2003 , Wayne L. Winston
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
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Elementary Number Theory: And Its Applications
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Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards
ISBN 9780137067923 , 2010 , William Stallings
Algorithm Design
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Portfolio Design
ISBN 9780393732535 , 2012 , Harold Linton, Cesar Pelli
Linear Algebra: A First Course, With Applications to Differential Equations
ISBN 9780470067833 , 2007 , Tom M. Apostol
A Posteriori Error Analysis Via Duality Theory: With Applications in Modeling and Numerical Approximations
ISBN 9780387235363 , 2005 , Weimin Han
Business Finance: Applications, Models and Cases
ISBN 9780132646499 , 2002 , Michel Schlosser
Design and crime: and other diatribes
ISBN 9781859844533 , 2003
Research Design Explained
ISBN 9781133490746 , 2012 , Mark Mitchell, Janina Jolley
Design and Use of Assistive Technology
ISBN 9781489989802 , 2014 , Meeko Mitsuko K. Oishi,m.fl.
Experimental and Clinical Applications
ISBN 9780849305504 , 1988
Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction
ISBN 9780470094945 , 2006 , Saeed V. Vaseghi
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9780324021004 , 2000 , Richard L. Daft