Søk: 'Embodied visions: evolution, emotion, culture, and film'
Evolution and convergence in telecommunications, 11 February - 1 March 2002
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Is Conscience an Emotion?: Three Lectures on Recent Ethical Theories
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Is Conscience an Emotion?: Three Lectures on Recent Ethical Theories
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Is Conscience an Emotion?: Three Lectures on Recent Ethical Theories
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Voice and Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production
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A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture
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Qualitative Research for Physical Culture
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The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, and the Radical Remaking of Economics
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Asean's Diplomatic and Security Culture: Origins, Development and Prospects
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Film Art: An Introduction
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American Catholics, American Culture: Tradition and Resistance
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Film Style and Story: A Tribute to Torben Grodal
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Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture
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Film Art: An Introduction
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The Photographic Image in Digital Culture
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Film art: an introduction
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