Søk: 'End of Millennium, Volume III: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture'
The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles and Ideology
ISBN 9780806131436 , 1999 , Mogens Herman Hansen
Analyzing the global political economy
ISBN 9780691139586 , 2008 , Andrew Walter, Gautam Sen
Analyzing the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9780691139593 , 2008 , Andrew Walter, Gautam Sen
Supply-side Economics And Globalization: The End Of Democracy And Capitalism - The Corridor To 9-11
ISBN 9781413707861 , 2004 , Richard A. Trusick
The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet
ISBN 9780262571548 , 2001 , Ken Goldberg
Computer: A History of the Information Machine
ISBN 9780813342658 , 2004 , Martin Campbell-Kelly, William Aspray
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521844154 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Carl Shapiro, Joseph Farrell
Aristotle's The Nichomachean Ethics: (Book I-iii, VI and X)
ISBN 9780334041313 , 2007 , David Mills Daniel
Information Systems
ISBN 9781111532932 , 2011 , Ralph M. Stair, George Walter Reynolds
Personal Connections in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780745643311 , 2010 , Nancy K. Baym
A History of the Calvinistic Congregational Church and Society Fitchburg Massachusetts
ISBN 9781115783811 , 2009 , George A. Hitchcock
The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era
ISBN 9780691048635 , 2002 , Seyla Benhabib
The World and the West: The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the Age of Empire
ISBN 9780521890540 , 2002 , Philip D. Curtin
Spiritualities of life: new age Romanticism and consumptive capitalism
ISBN 9781405139380 , 2008 , Paul Heelas
Quicksilver: Volume One of the Baroque Cycle
ISBN 9780099410683 , 2004 , Neal Stephenson
Quicksilver: Volume One of the Baroque Cycle
ISBN 9780060593087 , 2004 , Neal Stephenson
The Age of Innocence: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
ISBN 9780393967944 , 2001 , Edith Wharton
The European Economy Since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond
ISBN 9780691127101 , 2007 , Barry J. Eichengreen
The Tools of Government in the Digital Age: Second Edition
ISBN 9780230001435 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Christopher C. Hood, Helen Z. Margetts
Anticolonialism in British politics: the left and the end of Empire, 1918-1964
ISBN 9780198204237 , 1993 , Stephen Howe
The Age of the Democratic Revolution: The challenge
ISBN 9780691005690 , 1969 , R. R. Palmer
Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism
ISBN 9780801850059 , 1994 , Charles Bernheimer
Group Support System for Managing the Front End of Innovation
ISBN 9783639084825 , 2008 , Kalle Elfvengreen
Fundamentalism: Prophecy and Protest in an Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780521766258 , 2011 , Torkel Brekke
Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Network and Mobile Computing
ISBN 9781402071812 , 2002 , Ugo Montanari, Nicola Santoro
The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
ISBN 9781847672377 , 2011 , Neil Strauss
Annual Reviews of Computational Physics III
ISBN 9789810224271 , 1995 , Dietrich Stauffer
Organizational Culture and Leadership
ISBN 9780470185865 , 2010 , Edgar H. Schein
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472050826 , 2010
Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture
ISBN 9780851156606 , 2000 , Bernhard Maier, Cyril Edwards