Søk: 'Europe in the High Middle Ages: The Penguin History of Europe'
Whose democracy?: nationalism, religion, and the doctrine of collective rights in post-1989 Eastern Europe
ISBN 9780847683239 , 1997 , Sabrina Petra Ramet
Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe
ISBN 9780520204041 , 1996 , Barbara Daly Metcalf
The History of Pakistan
ISBN 9780313341373 , 2008 , Iftikhar H. Malik
Opposing Fascism: Community, Authority and Resistance in Europe
ISBN 9780521483094 , 1999 , Tim Kirk, Anthony McElligott
The Western canon: the books and school of the ages
ISBN 9781573225144 , 1995 , Harold Bloom
A Guide to Bird-watching in Europe
ISBN 9780370104768 , 1975 , James Ferguson-Lees, Quentin Hockliffe,m.fl.
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780534641245 , 2004 , Fred S. Kleiner, Dame Helen Gardner,m.fl.
Britain and the Politics of Modernization in the Middle East, 1945-1958
ISBN 9780521894395 , 2002 , Charles Tripp, Roger Owen, Paul W.T. Kingston
Abraham's heirs: Jews and Christians in medieval Europe
ISBN 9780815627784 , 1999 , Leonard B. Glick
Abraham's heirs: Jews and Christians in medieval Europe
ISBN 9780815627791 , 1999 , Leonard B. Glick
Euroscepticism in British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the Conservative and Labour Parties Since 1945
ISBN 9781857289411 , 2002 , Anthony Forster
Euroscepticism in British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the Conservative and Labour Parties Since 1945
ISBN 9780415287326 , 2002 , Anthony Forster
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780495803751 , 2009 , Fred S. Kleiner
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9781439081518 , 2009 , Fred S. Kleiner
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9781439081525 , 2009 , Fred Kleiner
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780495792970 , 2009 , Fred Kleiner
The Lessons of History
ISBN 9781439149959 , 2010 , Will Durant, Ariel Durant
Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe
ISBN 9780520204034 , 1996 , Barbara Daly Metcalf
Return to diversity: a political history of East Central Europe since World War II
ISBN 9780195334746 , 2007 , Joseph Rothschild, Nancy M. Wingfield
Muslims in Europe : a report on 11 EU cities
ISBN 9781936133017 , 2010
Mass Media and Media Policy in Western Europe
ISBN 9780719031977 , 1996
State, Power and Policymaking in the Making of the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9780415297141 , 2003 , Roger Owen
A Description of the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of France: With an Historical Account of the Institution of That August Ceremony in France, and in Other Kingdoms of Europe
ISBN 9781147817034 , 2010 , Nicolas Menin
The Penguin Book of English Short Stores
ISBN 9780140026177 , 1967 , Christopher Dolley
Fungi of Europe: investigation, recording and conservation
ISBN 9780947643546 , 1993 , David Pegler, Lynne Boddy, Bruce Ing, P. M. Kirk,m.fl.
Let's Go: Eastern Europe 2004
ISBN 9781405033015 , 2004 , Let's Go, Inc. Staff, Aaron Felix Alexander-Boch
Let's Go: Western Europe 2004
ISBN 9781405033237 , 2004 , Let's Go, Inc. Staff, Sloan J. Eddleston
Central Europe: enemies, neighbors, friends
ISBN 9780195148251 , 2002 , Lonnie Johnson
Religion in Social Context in Europe and America, 1200-1700
ISBN 9780866982801 , 2002 , Richard C. Trexler
Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300-1550: Age of Discretion
ISBN 9780415346986 , 2007 , Wim Blockmans