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Beyond Fragments: Adults, Motivation and Higher Education
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Behemoth teaches Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on political education
ISBN 9780739104194 , 2002 , Geoffrey M. Vaughan
Access, Participation and Higher Education: Policy and Practice
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A Policy Framework for Education,Community,Outreach (ECO)
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E-education applications: human factors and innovative approaches
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An International Dictionary of Adult and Continuing Education
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Almanac of Higher Education 1995 (Paper Only)
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Spaces of Identity: Global Media, Electronic Landscapes and Cultural Boundaries
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Adult education in Great Britain, Norway and Spain: a comparative study of participation, motivation and barriers
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Sports in Society
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Introducing the World of Education: A Case Study Reader
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Holy Sparks: Social Theory, Education, and Religion
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Arts Council Directory of Media Education Resources
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New Paradigm for Re-engineering Education: Globalization, Localization and Individualization
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Methods in Behavioral Research
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Evaluations: Limiting the Damage Done
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Surveys in Social Research
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Colossus: The First Electronic Computer: The Secrets of Bletchley Park's Code-breaking Computers
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Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play
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Religious Diversity and Intercultural Education: A Reference Book for Schools
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Chemistry: Pearson New International Edition: A Molecular Approach
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