Søk: 'Food and Cultural Studies'
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, Third Edition
ISBN 9780745330495 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Thomas Hylland Eriksen
What Is Religious Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9781845530655 , 2013 , Steven J. Sutcliffe
Introduction to American studies
ISBN 9780582307384 , 1998 , Howard Temperley, Malcolm Bradbury
Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions Into Eating, Power, and the Past
ISBN 9780807046296 , 1998 , Sidney Mintz
A Glossary of Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780340807019 , 2003 , Peter Brooker
AQA Advanced Media Studies Textbook
ISBN 9781844894185 , 2008 , David Probert, Andrew Graham
Advanced studies in media
ISBN 9780174900474 , 1998 , Joe Nicholas, John Price
Make it Tonight: Fast Food for Friends
ISBN 9781863962759 , 2002 , Australian Women's Weekly
Sociologies of Disability and Illness: Contested Ideas in Disability Studies and Medical Sociology
ISBN 9781403936370 , 2007 , Carol Thomas
Key Concepts in Urban Studies
ISBN 9780761940982 , 2005 , Mark Gottdiener, Leslie Budd
Critical Management Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9780199286089 , 2005 , Hugh Willmott
After Words: The Personal in Gender, Cultural and Psychotherapy
ISBN 9780333963586 , 2002 , Stephen Frosh
Restaurants, clubs & bars: planning, design and investment for food service facilities
ISBN 9780750620765 , 1994 , Fred Lawson
# Cultural Transformation Tweet Book01: Business Advice on Agility and Communication Across Cultures
ISBN 9781616990763 , 2011 , Melissa Lamson, Edited by Rajesh Setty
Pearson Baccalaureate Mathematical Studies Print and Ebook Bundle for the IB Diploma
ISBN 9781447938477 , 2013 , Ron Carrell, Roger Brown
Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism
ISBN 9780750656689 , 2002 , Lindsay W. Turner, Yvette Reisinger, PhD
Seeing ourselves: classic, contemporary, and cross-cultural readings in sociology
ISBN 9780131115576 , 2004 , John J. Macionis, Nijole Vaicaitis Benokraitis
Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies
ISBN 9780415255172 , 2001 , Mona Baker, Kirsten Malmkjaer
Accountable Government in Africa: Perspectives from Public Law and Political Studies
ISBN 9789280812053 , 2012 , United Nations University, Danwood M. Chirwa,m.fl.
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
ISBN 9780203860946 , 2010 , Ali Madanipour
Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas
ISBN 9780745331171 , 2012 , John-Andrew McNeish, Owen J Logan
The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies
ISBN 9780199232116 , 2010 , Donald Bloxham, A. Dirk Moses
Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy: Systemic and Cognitive Perspectives
ISBN 9781572306967 , 2001 , Frank M. Dattilio
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
ISBN 9780071198967 , 2003 , 2. utgave , David Simchi-Levi, PH.D.,m.fl.
Meaning and Moral Order: Explorations in Cultural Analysis
ISBN 9780520066212 , 1989
The cultural construction of Norden
ISBN 9788200376729 , 1997 , Øystein Sørensen, Bo Stråth
Experiencing Emotion: A Cross-Cultural Study
ISBN 9780521155014 , 2010 , Klaus R. Scherer, Harald G. Wallbott,m.fl.
Whose Public Space?: International Case Studies in Urban Design and Development
ISBN 9780415553865 , 2009 , Ali Madanipour
The Popular Music Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415307109 , 2005 , Barry Shank, Jason Toynbee, Andy Bennett
The Popular Music Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415307093 , 2005 , Barry Shank, Jason Toynbee, Andy Bennett