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Columbus on Himself
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Foreign and domestic policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s: trends and prospects
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In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation
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On Liberty
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Schwarz-Rot-Gold: kleine Geschichte deutscher Nationalsymbole nach 1945
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Boy Scouts on Hudson Bay: The Disappearing Fleet
ISBN 9781434693372 , 2008 , George Harvey Ralphson
Historical Sociology on the Paradoxes of News Media
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Storting og regjering 1945-1985: Biografier
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Work Without Boundaries: Psychological Perspectives on the New Working Life
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Perspectives on Personality
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A Guide to Military History on the Internet
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Competing on analytics: the new science of winning
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Anesthesia and the Central Nervous System: Papers Presented at the 38th Annual Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology, February 19-23, 1993
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Whose Democracy?: Nationalism, Religion and the Doctrine of Collective Rights in Post-1989 Eastern Europe
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Lives on the line: women and ecology on a Pacific atoll
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On Holiday
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A Treatise on the Real Nature of the Sin of Adam
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Danske tilstander, norske tilstander: forskjeller og likheter under tysk okkupasjon 1940-1945
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Et barn i krigsfangenskap på Java: 1943-1945
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The War on Peace: Does the Un Still Matter?
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Re-imagining the war on terror : seeing, waiting, travelling
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On Food and Cooking: The Science and lore of the Kitchen
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Litteratur 1; før 1945, for ungdomstrinnet
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Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology
ISBN 9780822334743 , 2005 , Sylvia Junko Yanagisako, Daniel Alan Segal
Computational Physics: Proceedings of the Ninth Physics Summer School : The Australian National University, Canberra, Act 0200, Australia, 8-25 January 1996
ISBN 9789810230586 , 1997 , H.J. Gardner, C.M. Savage