A Practical English Grammar: With Lessons in Composition and Letter-Writing (Large Print Edition)
ISBN 9780554444710 , 2008 , Judson Perry Welsh
Good English and the grammarian
ISBN 9780582291485 , 1988 , Sidney Greenbaum
Talking English
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ISBN 9788249202812 , 2003 , Ellen Kristin Aastad, Inger Elisabeth Eigeland,m.fl.
Talking English
ISBN 9788249202799 , 2003 , Ellen Kristin Aastad, Inger Elisabeth Eigeland,m.fl.
Longman Dictionary of American English
ISBN 9780582794467
English for Law in Higher Education Studies: Course Book
ISBN 9781859644171 , 2008 , Terry Phillips, Jeremy Walenn
English for Law in Higher Education Studies: Teacher's Book
ISBN 9781859644188 , 2008 , Terry Phillips, Jeremy Walenn
Hamlet: Complete Authoritative Text
ISBN 9780312055448 , 1994 , William Shakespeare, Susan Lindgren Wofford
Japanese English: Language And The Culture Contact
ISBN 9789622095724 , 2004 , James Stanlaw
Vox Super-Mini Spanish and English Dictionary
ISBN 9780071451789 , 2004 , Vox
Correct Your French Blunders: How to Avoid 99% of the Common Mistakes Made by Learners of French
ISBN 9780071468862 , 2006 , Veronique Mazet
ACCA F4 GLO Corporate and Business Law (Global) Study Text
ISBN 9781905623310 , 2007 , Ifp
Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text Only
ISBN 9780273687399 , 2004 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
A Changing World of Words: Studies in English Historical Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics
ISBN 9789042013308 , 2002 , Javier E. Díaz Vera
Grammar for English Language Teachers
ISBN 9780521712040 , 2010 , Martin Parrott
Auntie Mel's English Grammar, Syntax and Pronunciation
ISBN 9781424331994 , 2007 , Melissa Sapp-Smith
A Textbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing Text and Evolve EBooks Package
ISBN 9780702044670 , 2011 , James Richardson, Edward Alan Glasper
Songs and rhymes; English and American children's songs
ISBN 9788203309915 , 2002 , Annie Hughes
Doing English
ISBN 9780203025437 , 2002 , Robert Eaglestone
English Border Ballads
ISBN 9780559275333 , 2008 , Peter Burn
Longmans' English Grammar
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English-Swahili Dictionary
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Communicating: a handbook in English business language
ISBN 9788251829878 , 1991 , Jorunn Berntzen
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae: Fragments and Testimonia : a Text and Translation with Notes and Essays
ISBN 9780802093257 , 2007 , Patricia Curd, Anaxágoras
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Italian, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9781592572762 , 2004 , 3. utgave , Gabrielle Ann Euvino
Introducing English Grammar, Second Edition
ISBN 9781444109870 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Kate Burridge, Kersti Borjars
From Cranmer to Sancroft: Essays on English Religion in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
ISBN 9781852855048 , 2007 , Patrick Collinson
Pocket Oxford Chinese Dictionary: English-Chinese, Chinese-English
ISBN 9780198005940 , 2009 , Oxford Dictionaries, Yuan Zhu
A Second Life: German Cinema's First Decades
ISBN 9789053561720 , 1996 , Thomas Elsässer, Michael Georg Wedel