Søk: 'Norwegian Minds, American Dreams: Ethnic Activism Among Norwegian-American Intellectuals'
Beyond Toleration: The Religious Origins of American Pluralism
ISBN 9789780195304 , 2006 , Christopher J. Beneke
Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories And American Power
ISBN 9781595580078 , 2006 , Frederick Cooper, Kevin W. Moore
Between Underdevelopment and Revolution: A Latin American Perspective
ISBN 9788170171393 , 2003
Richard Wright's Black boy (American Hunger): A casebook
ISBN 9780195157727 , 2003 , Douglas Edward Taylor, William Leake Andrews
Berliner gramophone records: American issues, 1892-1900
ISBN 9780313292170 , 1995
American Social and Political Thought: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780814736302 , 2000 , Andreas Hess
The American Musical and the Performance of Personal Identity
ISBN 9781400832682 , 2010
New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance
ISBN 9780230340701 , 2012 , Håvard Haarstad
Applique Patterns from Native American Beadwork Designs
ISBN 9780891458265 , 1994 , Joyce Mori
Money, medicine, and malpractice in American society
ISBN 9780275939526 , 1992
American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
ISBN 9781877864018 , 1991 , Ed C. Stewart
American Fiance' or Hunting for the Black Russian
ISBN 9781410717849 , 2003
Crossroads: American popular culture and the Vietnam generation
ISBN 9780742544437 , 2005
Arco Master The American Foreign Service Officer Exam
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Black Lenses, Black Voices: African American Film Now
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Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, 2002 Revision: 2003 Update
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The American Culinary Federation's Guide to Culinary Competitions
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Out of Many: A History of the American People
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Visual Rhetoric: A Reader in Communication and American Culture
ISBN 9781412949194 , 2008 , Cara A. Finnegan, Diane S. Hope
Prejudicial appearances: the logic of American antidiscrimination law
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Prejudicial Appearances: The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law
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The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the "Fram", 1910-1912
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American Culture and Religious Diversity: A Saudi Arabian Perspective
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Student's Outline of British and American History
ISBN 9783464024225 , 1992 , Frank Hugelmann
American Icons: The Genesis of a National Visual Language
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African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-Herbal Treatments
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Muslim American Youth: Understanding Hyphenated Identities Through Multiple Methods
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Among the Selkirk Glaciers
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Among the Selkirk Glaciers
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Black Magic: White Hollywood and African American Culture
ISBN 9780813533834 , 2004 , Krin Gabbard