Søk: 'Oil Crusades: America Through Arab Eyes'
Class: a guide through the American status system
ISBN 9780671792251 , 1992
A centre of wonders: the body in early America
ISBN 9780801436017 , 2001 , Janet Moore Lindman, Michele Lise Tarter
A Centre of Wonders: The Body in Early America
ISBN 9780801487392 , 2001 , Janet Moore Lindman, Michele Lise Tarter
America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1996
ISBN 9780070360648 , 1996
Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens And the Making of Modern America
ISBN 9780691124292 , 2005 , Mae M. Ngai
Prozac Nation: Young and Depressed in America - A Memoir
ISBN 9781573229623 , 2003 , Elizabeth Wurtzel
America rules: US foreign policy, globalization and corporate USA
ISBN 9780863223099 , 2003
A Culture of Confidence: Politics, Performance and the Idea of America
ISBN 9781604735758 , 2010 , Richard Nelson
A Nation by Design: immigration policy in the fashioning of America
ISBN 9780674030749 , 2008 , Aristide R. Zolberg
SPOR Monograph: Recent Advances in Improved Oil Recovery Methods for North Sea Sandstone Reservoirs
ISBN 9788272573408 , 1992 , Svein M. Skjæveland, Jon Kleppe
America Or Europe?: British Foreign Policy, 1739-1763
ISBN 9781857281859 , 1997 , Jeremy Black
Deepening Musical Performance Through Movement: The Theory and Practice of Embodied Interpretation
ISBN 9780253222237 , 2010 , Alexandra Pierce
Cities in the Third Wave: The Technological Transformation of Urban America
ISBN 9780742539099 , 2007
Britain and Arab unity: a documentary history from the Treaty of Versailles to the end of World War II
ISBN 9781848850590 , 2009 , Younan Labib Rizk
On the Trail of Genghis Khan: An Epic Journey Through the Land of the Nomads
ISBN 9781408825051 , 2013 , Tim Cope
The fellowship of ghosts: a journey through the mountains of Norway
ISBN 9780792267997 , 2004 , Paul Watkins
An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus
ISBN 9780201178128 , 1989 , Greg Michaelson
Corporate Identity: Making Business Strategy Visible Through Design
ISBN 9780500014721 , 1989
A Risky Business: Saving Money and Improving Global Health Through Better Demand Forecasting
ISBN 9781933286181 , 2012 , m.fl.
Customer-Centered Products: Creating Succesful Products Through Smart Requirements Management
ISBN 9780814405680 , 2000 , Ivy F. Hooks, Kristin A. Farry, IVY F AUTOR HOOKS
Markets of One: Creating Customer-unique Value Through Mass Customization
ISBN 9781578512386 , 2000 , B. Joseph Pine II
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America
ISBN 9781862075214 , 2002 , Barbara Ehrenreich
Latin America, 1800-2000: Modern History for Modern Languages
ISBN 9780340763506 , 2002 , Will Fowler
State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900
ISBN 9780822324744 , 2000 , Fernando López-Alves
Founding Fathers: The Essential Guide to the Men Who Made America
ISBN 9780470117927 , 2007 , Encyclopaedia Britannica
The Spirit of '68: Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956-1976
ISBN 9780199541591 , 2008
Child Development from Birth to Eight: A Journey Through the Early Years.
ISBN 9780335220977 , 2007 , Maria Robinson
Deepening musical performance through movement: the theory and practice of embodied interpretation
ISBN 9780253349330 , 2007 , Alexandra Pierce
Nursing Clinics of North America Volume 41: Alzheimer's Disease Number 1
ISBN 9781416035343 , 2006
Learning through theatre: new perspectives on Theatre in Education
ISBN 9780415086103 , 1993 , Tony Jackson, Anthony Jackson