Søk: 'Optimization In Economic Theory 2e: Pb'
Leadership : theory and practice
ISBN 9781506311166 , 2015 , Peter Guy Northouse
Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory
ISBN 9780393918380 , 2013 , Joel Watson
Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts
ISBN 9780079132925 , 1998 , Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld
An Essay on Western Civilisation in Its Economic Aspects (Volume 2); Mediaeval and Modern Times
ISBN 9780217771153 , 2012 , William Cunningham
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Fire Engineering: Theory, Modelling and Practice
ISBN 9780750685894 , 2009 , Guan Heng Yeoh, Kwok Kit Yuen
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity: With Modern Applications in Cosmology
ISBN 9780387691992 , 2007 , Øyvind Grøn, Sigbjørn Hervik
Organizational Theory and Design
ISBN 9781844809905 , 2010 , Hugh Willmott, Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780321553980 , 2008 , Maurice Obstfeld, Paul Robin Krugman
Amorous Acts: Lacanian Ethics in Modernism, Film, And Queer Theory
ISBN 9780804751827 , 2006
A Valuation of the Economic and Social Contribution of Forestry for People in Scotland
ISBN 9780855387822 , 2009 , David Edwards, Anna Elliot, Max Hislop
Construction and Economic Development
ISBN 9780080218441 , 1978 , Otto H. Koenigsberger, S. Groak
OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand 1991
ISBN 9789812462084 , 2003 , Catherine McLeod
Economic Analysis for Management and Policy
ISBN 9780335218462 , 2005 , Stephen Jan, Lilani Kumarayanake, Kara Hanson,m.fl.
Elementary Number Theory
ISBN 9780321717757 , 2010 , Kenneth H. Rosen
Elementary Number Theory
ISBN 9780073383149 , 2010 , David M. Burton
Theory of Addiction
ISBN 9781405113595 , 2006
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072817188 , 2003 , George Ritzer, Douglas Goodman
Performance Theory
ISBN 9780415314558 , 2003 , Richard Schechner
Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning
ISBN 9780333406441 , 2004 , Edmond Malinvaud, M.O.L. Bacharach
Economic Development and Agricultural Productivity
ISBN 9781858986159 , 1997 , Rune Skarstein, Amit Bhaduri,m.fl.
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780071183239 , 2000 , George Ritzer
Japan To 1600: A Social and Economic History
ISBN 9780824833251 , 2009 , William Wayne Farris
Public Relations Theory Two
ISBN 9780805833850 , 2006 , Carl H. Botan, Vincent Hazleton
Asymptotic Methods in the Buckling Theory of Elastic Shells
ISBN 9789810247263 , 2001 , Petr E. Tovstik, Andrei L. Smirnov,m.fl.
Quantum Field Theory
ISBN 9780521864497 , 2007 , Mark Srednicki
Education in a Globalizated World: The Connectivity of Economic Power, Technology, and Knowledge
ISBN 9780742510982 , 2002 , Nelly P. Stromquist
Is there progress in economics?: knowledge, truth and the history of economic thought
ISBN 9781840646832 , 2002 , Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz
The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Second Edition
ISBN 9780691121260 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Neil J. Smelser, Richard Swedberg
Contemporary Economic Sociology: Globalization, Work And Inequality
ISBN 9780415300940 , 2006 , Fran Tonkiss
Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas
ISBN 9780195551273 , 2006 , Frank J. B. Stilwell