Søk: 'Religion: The Social Context'
Bringing Religion into International Relations
ISBN 9781403981127 , 2004 , Jonathan Fox, Shmuel Sandler
Samisk religion og læstadianisme: kristen tro og livstolkning
ISBN 9788245001556 , 2005 , Lars Levi Læstadius, Roald Kristiansen
God in Context: A Survey of Contextual Theology
ISBN 9780754606154 , 2003 , Sigurd Bergmann
Social Surveys 2
ISBN 9781412923682 , 2007 , David de Vaus
Corporate Social Responsibility
ISBN 9781412930635 , 2007 , Dirk Matten, Andy Crane
Religion, verdier og danning: barns møte med de store spørsmål i livet
ISBN 9788245010985 , 2011 , Sturla Sagberg
Promises Not Kept: The Betrayal of Social Change in the Third World
ISBN 9781565491199
Understanding Social Exclusion
ISBN 9780199251940 , 2002 , John Hills
An Introduction to International Relations and Religion
ISBN 9781405824743 , 2007 , Jeffrey Haynes
The Handless Maiden: Moriscos and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Spain
ISBN 9780691130545 , 2007 , Mary Elizabeth Perry
Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East
ISBN 9781860648687 , 2003 , Fred Halliday
Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation
ISBN 9781412969390 , 2010 , Daniel F. Chambliss, Russell K. Schutt
An introduction to the sociology of religion: classical and contemporary perspectives
ISBN 9780754656531 , 2006 , Pål Repstad, Inger Furseth
In God's Name: Genocide and Religion in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781571812148 , 2001 , Phyllis Mack, ·Omer Bar?ov
The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran
ISBN 9781851682348 , 1986 , Roy P. Mottahedeh
Introduction to African Religion
ISBN 9780435940027 , 1991 , John S. Mbiti
The Origins of Social Work: Continuity and Change
ISBN 9780333737910 , 2005 , Jo Campling, Malcolm Payne
Social psychology
ISBN 9780863775871 , 2000 , Elliot R. Smith, Diane M. Makckie
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780072413878 , 2002 , David G. Myers
Religion og kultur: ein fleirfagleg samtale
ISBN 9788215014944 , 2009 , Gunnar Skirbekk, Nils Gilje, Arve Brunvoll,m.fl.
The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: Understanding and Measuring Economic Impacts of Corporate Social Performance
ISBN 9783790821185 , 2009
An Introduction to Roman Religion
ISBN 9780748616077 , 2003 , Janet Lloyd, John Scheid
Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics
ISBN 9783825819507 , 2011 , Sigurd Bergmann, Heather Eaton
Professional dominance: the social structure of medical care
ISBN 9780202308555 , 2006 , Eliot Freidson
Leadership and Management in Education: Cultures, Change and Context
ISBN 9780199268573 , 2004 , Marianne Coleman, Peter Earley
The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic: An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans
ISBN 9781147021448 , 2010 , William Warde Fowler
The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic: An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans
ISBN 9781143741746 , 2010 , William Warde Fowler
The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic: An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans
ISBN 9781142224325 , 2010 , William Warde Fowler
Black Elk's Religion: The Sun Dance and Lakota Catholicism
ISBN 9780815626763 , 1995 , Clyde Holler
Practical Social Work Series
ISBN 9780333803134 , Jo Campling