Søk: 'Taking on the World'
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780070408296 , 1995 , Joel G. Colton, Robert Roswell Palmer
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Religions
ISBN 9781852309978 , 1997 , Chris Richards
Public Religions in the Modern World
ISBN 9780226095356 , 1994 , José Casanova
The "Blazing World" and Other Writings
ISBN 9780140433722 , 1994 , Margaret Cavendish, Kate Lilley
On Human Rights
ISBN 9780199573103 , 2009
Promises Not Kept: The Betrayal of Social Change in the Third World
ISBN 9781565491199
Guinness world records 2007
ISBN 9788251622394
The Human Impact: On the Natural Environment
ISBN 9780631199786 , 2000 , Andrew Goudie
Around the World in Knitted Socks: 26 Inspired Designs
ISBN 9781596682306 , 2010 , Stephanie van der Linden
Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation
ISBN 9781412969390 , 2010 , Daniel F. Chambliss, Russell K. Schutt
The United Nations and Changing World Politics: Sixth Edition
ISBN 9780813344355 , 2010 , 6. utgave , Thomas G. Weiss, Roger A. Coate,m.fl.
A History of the World In 10 1/2 Chapters
ISBN 9780099540120 , 2009 , Julian Barnes
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9781147927948 , 2010 , Bertrand Russell
An Essay On the Foundations of Geometry
ISBN 9781141441471 , 2010 , Bertrand Russell
Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty
ISBN 9780199558032 , 2010 , Joseph E. Stiglitz, Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal
Cooling out: on the paradox of feminism
ISBN 9783905770834 , 2008 , Toril Moi, Vera Tollmann, Katharina Puehl
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
ISBN 9781439193631 , 2010 , Stephen King
A Nasty Bump on the Head
ISBN 9780955142802 , 2005 , Geoff Tristram
Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet
ISBN 9780080479071 , 2005 , Angelika Lindstrand
The Internet, The Web, And EBusiness: Formalizing Applications For The Real World
ISBN 9780810851672 , 2005 , Kai A. Olsen
Gandhi the Man: How One Man Changed Himself to Change the World
ISBN 9781586380557 , 2011 , Eknath Easwaran
ISBN 9780007145003 , 2002
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
ISBN 9780451411631 , 2004 , Kevin J. Anderson
Border & Territorial Dispute of the World 2004
ISBN 9780954381134 , 2004 , Peter Calvert, John B. Allcock
Introduction to Politics of the Developing World
ISBN 9780618214471 , 2004 , Mark Kesselman, William A. Joseph, Joel Krieger
Thirteenth Beach: Diving Adventures Around the World
ISBN 9780595760701 , 2004 , Wade Hughes
Geographies of Global Change: Remapping the World
ISBN 9780631222866 , 2002 , Michael Watts, R. J. Johnston, Peter J. Taylor
America on film: representing race, class, gender, and sexuality at the movies
ISBN 9781405170550 , 2009
The Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen
ISBN 9780521849623 , 2007 , Deborah Cartmell, Imelda Whelehan
Dorling Kindersley Reference Atlas of the World
ISBN 9780751333787 , 2001 , Inc. DK Publishing