Søk: 'Text and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory'
Literature after Feminism
ISBN 9780226241159 , 2003 , Rita Felski
Critical Terms for Media Studies
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About a Boy
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About a Boy
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Ducks about town
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Canal and Culvert Tables, Based on the Formula of Kutter, Under a Modified Classification, with Explanatory Text and Examples
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Transnational Corporations and Development Policy: Critical Perspectives
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International Economics: Theory and Policy
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All About Food
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Exploring Grammar in Writing
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Academic Writing Context (e)
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Understanding Knowledge Management: Critical and Postmodern Perspectives
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Mosby's Colour Atlas and Text of Neurology
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Coming to Writing and Other Essays
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Sears and Zemansky's University Physics: With Modern Physics
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Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes
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Critical Reflections on Security and Change
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Langue in Literature: And Introduction to Stylistics
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Writing, Directing, and Producing Documentary Films and Videos, Fourth Edition
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Pride and Prejudice: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism
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Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice
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