Søk: 'The Apple sliced: sociological studies of New York City'
City in the Roman West, c.250 BC-c.AD 250
ISBN 9781139180740 , 2011
Dancing Communities: Performance, Difference and Connection in the Global City
ISBN 9780230302334 , 2011 , Judith A. Hamera
Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity
ISBN 9780199562558 , 2009 , Will Kymlicka
The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economicsand the Law
ISBN 9780333676677 , 1998 , Peter K. Newman
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
ISBN 9780802824042 , 1959 , Geoffrey W. Bromiley, G. Kittel,m.fl.
New Moroccan Style: The Art of Sensual Living
ISBN 9780500511503 , 2003 , Jean Cazals, Susan Sully
Jungle of Glass: The New Ed Rogan Mystery
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Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement
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A Worm in the Teacher's Apple: Protecting America's School Children from Pests And Pesticides
ISBN 9781420839357 , 2005 , C. Lame Marc
New Directions in the Sociology of Health
ISBN 9781850007876 , 1990 , Geoff Payne, Pamela Abbott
Images of Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological History
ISBN 9780070497658 , 1993
Graphic Design: The New Basics
ISBN 9781568987705 , 2008 , Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Learning from Strangers: The Art and Method of Qualitative Interview Studies
ISBN 9780029346259 , 1994 , Robert Stuart Weiss
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780415584890 , 2012 , Jeremy Munday
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ISBN 9781843085874 , 2008 , Andrew Hammond
Fifteenth-century Studies
ISBN 9781571133335 , 2006 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick
Conversation Analysis: Studies from the First Generation
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A Companion to Museum Studies
ISBN 9781444334050 , 2010 , Sharon Macdonald
The Current State of Interlanguage: Studies in Honor of William E. Rutherford
ISBN 9789027221520 , 1995 , Larry Selinker
ISBN 9783575333759 , 1995
America and the New Epoch
ISBN 9781110180127 , 2009
International Business: The New Realities
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South Africa's Brave New World: The Beloved Country Since the End of Apartheid
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The New Political Economy of Development: Globalization, Imperialism, Hegemony
ISBN 9781403999979 , 2006 , Ray Kiely
Making Sense of the New Testament: Three Crucial Questions
ISBN 9780801027475 , 2004
Interpreting the City: An Urban Geography, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471887508 , 1992 , 2. utgave , Truman Asa Hartshorn
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780262572224 , 2005 , Alexander L. George, ALEXANDER L AUTOR GEORGE,m.fl.
The Cultural Studies Reader: Second Edition
ISBN 9780415137539 , 1999 , 2. utgave
Arts Leadership: International Case Studies
ISBN 9780734611697 , 2012 , Jo Caust
The Death of the Big Men and the Rise of the Big Shots: Custom and Conflict in East New Britain
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