Søk: 'The Dictionary of Modern War'
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
ISBN 9780198529170 , 2006 , Peter Campbell, Anthony Smith, Teresa Atwood,m.fl.
Modern Operating Systems
ISBN 9780133591620 , 2014 , Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
Military Planning and the Origins of the Second World War in Europe
ISBN 9780275961589 , 2000 , Brian J. C. McKercher, Legault, Roch
Among the Dead Cities: Is the Targeting of Civilians in War Ever Justified ?
ISBN 9780747586036 , 2007
The Doom Brigade: The Chaos War Series
ISBN 9780786907854 , 1998 , Margaret Weis, Don Perrin
English Pronouncing Dictionary
ISBN 9780521680868 , 2006 , Peter Roach, Daniel Jones, James Hartman
A modern history of the Somali: nation and state in the Horn of Africa
ISBN 9780852554838 , 2002
A History of the Modern World, 1815-1910 (Volume 1)
ISBN 9781152556607 , 2010 , Oscar Browning
A History of the Modern World, 1815-1910 (Volume 2)
ISBN 9781152557109 , 2010 , Oscar Browning
A History of the Modern World, 1815-1910, Volume 2
ISBN 9781142236502 , 2010 , Oscar Browning
The last decade of the Cold War: from conflict escalation to conflict transformation
ISBN 9780714654645 , 2004
Stalin: Revolutionary in an Era of War
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The Modern Middle East: A History
ISBN 9780195327595 , 2008 , James L. Gelvin
Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9781848855892 , 2011 , Kjetil Selvik, Stig Stenslie
Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology
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Dictionary And Glossary Of The Koran: With Grammatical References And Explanations Of The Text
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Confronting War
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A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists
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Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English
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Vision of Modern Art in Memory of Dorothy Walker: Irish Museum of Modern Art
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Domesticity at War
ISBN 9780262033619 , 2008 , Beatriz Colomina
Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the colonial origins of the civilized world
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A Textbook of Modern Toxicology
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The British Museum Pocket Dictionary of Greek & Roman Gods & Goddesses
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Ancient Hebrew Dictionary
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A Conquering Spirit: Fort Mims and the Redstick War of 1813-1814
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Dictionary of Archeology: English German Norwegian
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Modern architecture.
ISBN 9780192842268 , 2002 , Alan Colquhoun
Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent
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Tangled Memories: The Vietnam War, the AIDS Epidemic, And the Politics of Remembering
ISBN 9780520206205 , 1997 , Marita Sturken