Søk: 'The European Union and British Politics'
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
ISBN 9780199569090 , 2010 , Steve Smith, Patricia Owens
Creating Union: The Essence of Intimate Relationship
ISBN 9780961477783 , 2002 , Evie Hansen, Eva Pierrakos, Guide
History of European Drama and Theatre
ISBN 9780415180603 , 2004 , Erica Fischer-Lichte, Jo Riley
Security and politics in the Nordic area
ISBN 9780566050350 , 1987 , John Fitzmaurice
The Linguistics of British Sign Language: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521637183 , 1999 , Rachel Sutton-Spence, Bencie Woll
Insight : aspects of British and American civilization
ISBN 9788203136276 , 1991 , Alf Bårtvedt
Settling the pop score: pop texts and identity politics
ISBN 9780754603511 , 2002 , Stan Hawkins
CliffsAP European History
ISBN 9780470872741 , 2010
European Democratic Culture
ISBN 9780415124188 , 2012 , Alain-Marc Rieu, Gérard Duprat,m.fl.
Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook
ISBN 9780273704010 , 2008 , Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk,m.fl.
Crossing the Gods: World Religions and Wordly Politics
ISBN 9780813529240 , 2001 , Nicholas Jay Demerath, N J Demerath, III
Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politics
ISBN 9780813343358 , 2007 , Ann Elizabeth Mayer
Migration and European Integration: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion
ISBN 9780838636138 , 1995 , Robert Miles, Dietrich Thränhardt
The Politics of Food: The Global Conflict Between Food Security and Food Sovereignty
ISBN 9780313363283 , 2010 , William D. Schanbacher
Venus and Furs: The Cultural Politics of Fur
ISBN 9781860642272 , 1998
Venus and Furs: The Cultural Politics of Fur
ISBN 9781860642302 , 1998
Crime, Class and Corruption: The Politics of the Police
ISBN 9780906224700 , 1992 , Audrey Farrell
Employment Trends and Prospects in the European Forest Sector
ISBN 9789211168433 , 2003 , Peter Blombäck, Peter Poschen, Mattias Lövgren,m.fl.
Macroeconomics: A European Text
ISBN 9780199608645 , 2012 , Charles Wyplosz, Michael Burda
Engineering Mathematics - The Union College Lectures - 3rd Edition
ISBN 9781603861304 , 2008 , 3. utgave
Nineteenth Century European Art
ISBN 9780205707997 , 2010 , Petra Ten-Doesschate Chu
The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake : the Perfect Victoria Sponge and Other Baking Secrets
ISBN 9781849902687 , 2011 , Linda Collister, Love Productions, Paul Hollywood
Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa
ISBN 9781403979643 , 2007
Politics in Russia
ISBN 9780205005796 , 2011 , Thomas F. Remington
Politics and culture in the developing world: the impact of globalization
ISBN 9780205550579 , 2008 , Richard J. Payne, Jamal Raji Nassar
The evolution of the trade regime: politics, law, and economics of the GATT and the WTO
ISBN 9780691124506 , 2006 , Richard H. Steinberg, J.H. Barton,m.fl.
The History and Politics of UN Security Council Reform
ISBN 9780415459914 , 2007 , Dimitris Bourantonis
British Web Equipment of the Two World Wars
ISBN 9781861267436 , 2005 , Martin J. Brayley
European gender regimes and policies: comparative perspectives
ISBN 9780754670865 , 2009 , Sevil Sümer
Disaster and Development: The Politics of Humanitarian Aid
ISBN 9780745312248 , 1997 , Sam Moyo, Neil Middleton, Phil O'Keefe