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Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
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Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the colonial origins of the civilized world
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Hints on Teaching and Lecturing on Phonography: With Notes on Shorthand, Ancient and Modern, Music, the Connection of Phonography with the Penny Post, Etc
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Hints On Teaching And Lecturing On Phonography - With Notes On Shorthand Ancient And Modern, Music, The Connection Of Phonography With The Penny Post, Etc.
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Marvel Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the Marvel Universe
ISBN 9781409345732 , 2014 , Dorling Kindersley
Learning How to Ask: A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research
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Guide to the dissection of the dog
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Women And the Making of the Modern House: A Social and Architectural History
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Beyond the Big Test: Noncognitive Assessment in Higher Education
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Cairo University and the Making of Modern Egypt
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The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design
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Cardiac Arrest: The Science and Practice of Resuscitation Medicine
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Debbie Frank's Cosmic Ordering Guide to Life, Love and Happiness
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Introduction to the Practice of Statistics + Cd-rom
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Implications of Modern Decision Science for Military Decision-support Systems
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Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials
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History - What and Why?: Ancient, Modern, and Postmodern Perspectives
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Modern Stone-Cutting and Masonry: With Special Reference to the Making of Working Drawings
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Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
ISBN 9781429286619 , 2012 , David S. Moore, George P. McCabe, Bruce A. Craig
The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry
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A History of the Modern World, with PowerWeb
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The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic: An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans
ISBN 9781430443537 , 2007 , W. Warde Fowler
The Making of the Modern Mind: A Survey of the Intellectual Background of the Present Age
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Janson's History of Art : The Modern World: Portable Edition
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The Politics of Display: Museums, Science and Culture
ISBN 9780415153263 , 1997 , Sharon Macdonald