Søk: 'The National Question in Europe in Historical Context'
Conflict and coexistence: nationalism and democracy in modern Europe : essays in honour of Harry Hearder
ISBN 9780708314043 , 1997 , Robert Stradling, Scott Newton, David Bates,m.fl.
Mohammed, Charlemagne, and the Origins of Europe: The Pirenne Thesis in the Light of Archaeology
ISBN 9780801492624 , 1983 , Richard Hodges, David Whitehouse
Gaelic Influence in Iceland: Historical and Literary Contacts : a Survey of Research
ISBN 9789979544340 , 2000 , Gisli Sigurdsson
Human Resource Management in Northern Europe: Trends, Dilemmas and Strategy
ISBN 9780631217770 , 2000 , Chris Brewster, Henrik Holt Larsen
The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia
ISBN 9780521336703 , 1987 , Eric Lionel Jones
Art in Europe, 1700-1830: A History of the Visual Arts in an Era of Unprecedented Urban Economic Growth
ISBN 9780192842060 , 1997 , Matthew Craske
The Photographic Image in Digital Culture
ISBN 9780415535298 , 2013 , Martin Lister
Making a Living in Europe: Human Geographies of Economic Change
ISBN 9780415144797 , 1997 , Alan R. Townsend
Making a Living in Europe: Human Geographies of Economic Change
ISBN 9780415144803 , 1997 , Alan Townsend
Living in the Environment
ISBN 9780495791331 , 2009 , G.Tyler Miller
Action Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe. (Mouton Textbook)
ISBN 9783110180817 , 2004 , Karsten Renckstorf, Denis McQuail,m.fl.
In Spite Of. . .: Understanding the Motivation in Obstacles
ISBN 9780595380343 , 2006 , Steven D Morrison
Gods in the global village: the world's religions in sociological perspective
ISBN 9781412927154 , 2007 , Lester R. Kurtz
Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace
ISBN 9780273711216 , 2010 , John Arnold, Don Harris, Bernard Burnes,m.fl.
Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Comtemporary Design in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9788861305328 , 2009
Sufism in the West:
ISBN 9780415274074 , 2006 , Jamal Malik, John Russell Hinnells
The Literary in Theory
ISBN 9780804753746 , 2006 , Jonathan D. Culler
Family, Friends and Followers: Political and Social Bonds in Early Medieval Europe
ISBN 9780521779340 , 2004 , Gerd Althoff
Paths toward Democracy: The Working Class and Elites in Western Europe and South America
ISBN 9780521643696 , 1999 , Joel S. Migdal, Peter Lange, Robert H. Bates,m.fl.
Globalisation and the Labour Market: Trade, Technology and Less Skilled Workers in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9780415320122 , 2006 , John Whalley, Robert Anderton, Paul Brenton
Policy-Making in the European Union
ISBN 9780199689675 , 2014 , Alasdair R. Young
Using Psychology in the Classroom
ISBN 9781446201664 , 2012 , Stephen James Minton
Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences
ISBN 9781412981453 , 2011 , J. Robert Lilly, Francis T. Cullen,m.fl.
Climatic Variability in Sixteenth-Century Europe and Its Social Dimension
ISBN 9780792359340 , 1999
The Constitution of Europe
ISBN 9780521584739 , 1999 , Joseph Weiler
The Brightest Star in the Sky
ISBN 9780141028675 , 2011 , Marian Keyes
The Political Economy of a Social Europe: Understanding Labour Market Integration in the European Union
ISBN 9780333733950 , 1998 , Michael F. Kluth
After the Cold War: International Institutions and State Strategies in Europe, 1989-1991
ISBN 9780674008649 , 1993 , Joseph S. Nye, Robert Owen Keohane,m.fl.
A Changing World of Words: Studies in English Historical Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics
ISBN 9789042013308 , 2002 , Javier E. Díaz Vera
Confronting Historical Paradigms: Peasants, Labor, and the Capitalist World System in Africa and Latin America
ISBN 9780299136840 , 1993 , Frederick Cooper, Allen F. Isaacman,m.fl.