Søk: 'Adaptation, Poverty and Development: The Dynamics of Subjective Well-Being'
The End of Poverty: How We Can Make it Happen in Our Lifetime
ISBN 9780141018669 , 2005 , Jeffrey D. Sachs
Development Fieldwork
ISBN 9781446254776 , 2014 , Regina Scheyvens
Secure and Resilient Software Development
ISBN 9781439826966 , 2010 , Mark S. Merkow, Lakshmikanth Raghavan
Adult Development and Aging
ISBN 9781428801752 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Adult Development and Aging
ISBN 9781428800564 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Creative Management and Development
ISBN 9781412922470 , 2006 , Jane Henry
Development and environment: practices, theories, policies
ISBN 9788232100330 , 2012 , Kristian Bjørkdahl, Kenneth Bo Nielsen
A First Book of Natural Philosophy: Or, an Introduction to the Study of Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, and Optics
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State and Agriculture in Iraq: Modern Development, Stagnation and the Impact of Oil
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Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780072471465 , 2003 , Steven D. Eppinger, Karl Ulrich
Being Together, Working Apart: Dual-Career Families and the Work-Life Balance
ISBN 9780521607896 , 2005
The Importance of Being Earnest, or, a Trivial Novel for Serious People
ISBN 9781425002855 , 2006 , Oscar Wilde
D'Ri and I; A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.
ISBN 9781150660061 , 2009 , Irving Bacheller
A Manual of Physics: Being an Introduction to the Study of Physical Science, Designed for the Use of University Students
ISBN 9781290154994 , 2012 , William Peddie
Ise Organization Development and Change
ISBN 9780324580532 , 2008 , Thomas G. Cummings
A Textbook of Belief Dynamics: Theory Change and Database Updating
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A Textbook of Belief Dynamics: Theory Change and Database Updating
ISBN 9780792353249 , 1999 , Sven Ove Hansson
European Union Security Dynamics: In the New National Interest
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Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Institutions for Monitoring Poverty Reduction Strategies
ISBN 9780821364840 , 2006
The Young Mathematician's Guide: Being a Plain and Easy Introduction to the Mathematicks ... with an Appendix of Practical Gauging
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The Traveller, Or, an Entertaining Journey Round the Habitable Globe: Being a Novel and Easy Method of Studying Geograhy
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Large Herbivore Ecology, Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
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Blackwell Handbook of Language Development
ISBN 9781405171595 , 2008
Choice Well Made: Users' Perceptions of Living in Residential Care
ISBN 9781901097405 , 2000 , Leonie Kellaher, Methodist Homes for the Aged,m.fl.
Writing for scholars: a practical guide to making sense and being heard
ISBN 9788215013916 , 2008 , Lynn P. Nygaard
Adult Development and Aging
ISBN 9780495007340 , 2005 , John C. Cavanaugh, Fredda Blanchard-Fields,m.fl.
Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Physical and Numerical Aspects
ISBN 9780120887590 , 2011 , Benoit Cushman-Roisin, Jean-Marie Beckers
Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach
ISBN 9780674072350 , 2013 , Martha C. Nussbaum
Adaptation and Fitness in Animal Populations: Evolutionary and Breeding Perspectives on Genetic Resource Management
ISBN 9781402090059 , 2008 , Julius Van der Werf
Adaptation and Fitness in Animal Populations: Evolutionary and Breeding Perspectives on Genetic Resource Management
ISBN 9789048180509 , 2010 , Julius Herman Jozef Van Der Werf,m.fl.