Søk: 'Affective Education in Europe'
Aesthetic Experience In Science Education: Learning And Meaning-making As Situated Talk And Action
ISBN 9780805855036 , 2005 , Per-Olof Wickman
European Models of Bilingual Education
ISBN 9781853591822 , 1993
Access to Health and Education Services in Ethiopia: Supply, Demand, and Government Policy
ISBN 9780855984717 , 2001 , Fra Von Massow
"Blood and homeland": eugenics and racial nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900-1940
ISBN 9789637326776 , 2006 , Marius Turda, Paul J. Weindling
Europe and the World, 1650-1830
ISBN 9780415255691 , 2001 , Professor Jeremy Black
The Making of Polities: Europe, 1300-1500
ISBN 9780521792325 , 2009 , John Watts
Emigration from Europe 1815-1930
ISBN 9780521557832 , 1995 , Economic History Society, Dudley Baines
Mediaeval Europe, 400-1500
ISBN 9780582494039 , 1987 , H.G. Koenigsberger
Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
ISBN 9781853595233 , 2001 , Colin Baker
Opposing Europe?: Case studies and country surveys
ISBN 9780199258307 , 2008 , Aleks Szczerbiak, Paul A. Taggart
Adolescent Sexual Health Education: An Activity Sourcebook
ISBN 9780826138224 , 2008 , Josefina J. Card, PhD, Tabitha Benner, MPA
Europe Since 1945: A Concise History
ISBN 9781403917904 , 2006 , J.Robert Wegs, Robert Ladrech
Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe
ISBN 9780511166730 , 2006 , Ivan T. Berend
Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000
ISBN 9780333658086 , 1999 , Roger Collins
Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies
ISBN 9781441143907 , 2012 , Mario Novelli, Antoni Verger
Torture and the Law of Proof: Europe and England in the Ancien Régime
ISBN 9780226468945 , 2006 , John H. Langbein
English-Only Europe?: Challenging Language Policy
ISBN 9780415288064 , 2003 , Robert Phillipson
The Regulation of Investment Services in Europe Under MiFID: Implementation and Practice: Special Report
ISBN 9781847660824 , 2008 , Annelies Verstichel, Emilios Avgouleas
The Aid Rush: Aid Regimes in Northern Europe During the Cold War Vol. II
ISBN 9789788274773 , 2008
Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
ISBN 9780787996147 , 2008 , Karen Glanz, K. Viswanath
(Un)Civil Societies: Human Rights And Democratic Transitions In Eastern Europe And Latin America
ISBN 9780739105801 , 2005 , Rachel A. May, Andrew K. Milton, Marc Belanger,m.fl.
Handbook of adult and continuing education
ISBN 9780787949983 , 2000 , Arthur L. Wilson, Elisabeth Hayes,m.fl.
Starting Strong III A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care
ISBN 9789264123250 , 2012 , m.fl.
The Third Source: A Message of Hope for Education
ISBN 9780615450278 , 2011 , Dustin Hull Heuston, James W. Parkinson,m.fl.
Peace Education: The Concept, Principles, and Practices Around the World
ISBN 9780415650762 , 2012
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 4: The Period of the Witch Trials
ISBN 9780485890044 , 2002 , Bengt Ankarloo, Stuart Clark, E.William Monter
Atlas of Mortality in Europe: Subnational Patterns, 1980/1981 and 1990-1991
ISBN 9789289013390 , 1997 , Who Regional Office for Europe
Good Practices and Innovative Experiences in the South: Citizen initiatives in social services, popular education and human rights
ISBN 9781842771327 , 2002 , Martin Khor, Lim Li Lin
History of Europe and the Middle East
ISBN 9780199180776 , 2010 , David Smith, Richard Jones-Nerzic, David Keys,m.fl.
History of the Present: Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s
ISBN 9780375727627 , 2001 , Timothy Garton Ash