Søk: 'American psycho (film tie-in)'
Perverse Spectators: The Practices of Film Reception
ISBN 9780814781395 , 2000 , Janet Staiger
Norton Anthology of American Literature: 1820-1865
ISBN 9780393927405 , 2007 , Nina Baym
The Puzzle of Latin American Economic Development
ISBN 9780742553538 , 2007 , Patrice M. Franko
African American Decision Makers in Healthcare: Exploring the Impact of Mentoring on Professional Advancement
ISBN 9781599426556 , 2008 , Deon L. Wolliston
Introduksjon til film : historie, teori og analyse
ISBN 9788241706653 , 1996 , Lars Thomas Braaten
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History Since 1945
ISBN 9780072828214 , 2003
A People's History of American Empire
ISBN 9780805087444 , 2008 , Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki, Paul Buhle
American Government 2011: Roots and Reform
ISBN 9780205825851 , 2010
Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Dentistry
ISBN 9780195189643 , 2008 , John D. Da Silva, David A. Mitchell,m.fl.
Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine
ISBN 9780195188493 , 2008 , John A. Flynn
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges
ISBN 9780801880353 , 2004 , Patricia J. Gumport, Toru Umakoshi
Religion in America: an historical account of the development of American religious life
ISBN 9780130923899 , 2004 , John Corrigan, Winthrop Still Hudson
The Psycho-Analysis of Artistic Vision and Hearing: An Introduction to a Theory of Unconscious Perception
ISBN 9780415209564 , 1999 , Anton Ehrenzweig
An Early American Woman Warrior
ISBN 9781413747010 , 2005 , Garet Brown
The CIA and American Democracy
ISBN 9780300099485 , 2003 , Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
Jewish American Literature: A Norton Anthology
ISBN 9780393048094 , 2007 , J. Chametsky
Changing Rhythms of American Family Life
ISBN 9780871540935 , 2007 , Suzanne M. Bianchi, John P. Robinson,m.fl.
How Teachers Taught: Constancy and Change in American Classrooms, 1890-1990
ISBN 9780807732267 , 1993 , Larry Cuban
Como agua para chocolate, the novel and film version
ISBN 9780729304535 , 2009 , Nathaniel Gardner
American Fiction Since 1940
ISBN 9780582493506 , 1992 , Tony Hilfer
Medieordlista: nynorske fagomgrep for film- og medievitskap
ISBN 9788299600200 , 2002 , Arild Torvund Olsen
How to Read a Film: Movies, Media, and Beyond
ISBN 9780195321050 , 2008 , James Monaco
The Harper american literature
ISBN 9780065009644 , 1993 , Donald McQuade
Cahier De Preparation Sequences: Intermediate French Through Film
ISBN 9781413020083 , 2007 , Michele Bissiere, Kelle Truby
Artful itineraries: European art and American careers in high culture, 1865-1920
ISBN 9780815336549 , 2000 , Paul Fisher
Cut By Cut: Editing Your Film Or Video
ISBN 9780941188999 , 2004 , Gael Chandler
Coming to America (Second Edition): A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
ISBN 9780060505776 , 2002 , Roger Daniels
The Last Great American Picture Show: New Hollywood Cinema in the 1970s
ISBN 9789053564936 , 1999 , Thomas Elsaesser, Alexander Horwath, Noel King
The Last Great American Picture Show: New Hollywood Cinema in The 1970s
ISBN 9789053566312 , 1999 , Thomas Elsaesser, Alexander Horwath, Noel King
American Literature Since 1900
ISBN 9780140177596 , 1993 , Marcus Cunliffe