Søk: 'Aphra Behn Stages the Social Scene in the Restoration Theatre'
America in the Seventies
ISBN 9780815629986 , 2003
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style
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The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe
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Know Your Enemy: Learning About Security Threats
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The Sociological Quest: An Introduction to the Study of Social Life
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Gravel Bed Rivers 6: From Process Understanding to River Restoration
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Ethical Issues in Social Work
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The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
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Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics
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Frontiers of Social Theory: The New Syntheses
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An Introduction to Sociology and Social Policy in Health and Social Care
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Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
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International Labour Mobility in Social Work
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Ethnographic Practice in the Present
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The Blackwell Companion to Major Classical Social Theorists
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