Søk: 'Biopolymer Research Trends'
Corrosion Monitoring in Nuclear Systems: Research and Applications
ISBN 9781906540982 , 2010 , Anders Molander, Stefan Ritter
Engineering the User Interface: From Research to Practice
ISBN 9781848001350 , 2008 , Miguel Redondo, Crescencio Bravo, Manuel Ortega
Legal Research and Writing: Essentials of Canadian Law
ISBN 9781552211762 , 2010 , Ted Tjade
Research Design Explained: Mark Mitchell, Janina M. Jolley
ISBN 9780495803997 , 2010 , Mark L Jolley Mitchell, Janina M. Jolley
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitiative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9781412907804 , 2008 , Carla Willig, Wendy Stainton Rogers
Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Practice: International Edition
ISBN 9780132344708 , 2007 , Leslie Gross Portney, Mary P. Watkins
Trends in Company/Shareholder Taxation: Single Or Double Taxation? International Fiscal Association Congress (57th: 2003: Sydney, Australia)
ISBN 9789041121578 , 2003 , Richard J. Vann,m.fl.
Globalisation and the Knowledge Economy: Some Observations on Recent Trends in Employment, Education and the Labour Market
ISBN 9781904815037 , 2003 , Philip Brown, Hugh Lauder
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
ISBN 9780761924425 , 2003 , John W. Creswell
Computer science: research and applications
ISBN 9780306442230 , 1992 , Udi Manber
Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
ISBN 9780123704818 , 2007 , Scott W. Menard
Research Methods in Social Relations
ISBN 9780030311499 , 1991 , Eliot R. Smith, Charles M. Judd, Louise H. Kidder
Doing psychological research: gathering and analysing data
ISBN 9780335203796 , 2000 , Nicky Hayes
Elementary Statistics in Social Research: The Essentials
ISBN 9780205484935 , 2006
Research Design * Methods 6e A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071261982 , 2004 , 6. utgave , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce B. Abbott
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
ISBN 9780230516656 , 2007 , Jonathon W. Moses, Torbjorn L. Knutsen
A Decade of Hospitality Management Research
ISBN 9781903152072 , 2001 , Angela Roper, Yvonne Guerrier
Thinking Critically About Research Methods
ISBN 9780205139170 , 1993
Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory
ISBN 9781412906449 , 2008 , Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm L. Strauss
Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research
ISBN 9780415258920 , 2003 , Norman Fairclough
International development studies: theories and methods in research and practice
ISBN 9781412929455 , 2008 , Andrew Sumner, Michael A. Tribe
Deterministic Operations Research: Models and Methods in Linear Optimization
ISBN 9780470484517 , 2010 , David J. Rader
Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
ISBN 9781849203012 , 2010 , Ranjit Kumar
A Focus on Fractions: Bringing Research to the Classroom
ISBN 9780415801508 , 2010 , Marjorie M. Petit, Edwin L. Marsden
The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence
ISBN 9781455707362 , 2012 , Susan K. Grove, Jennifer R. Gray
How to Prepare a Scientific Doctoral Dissertation Based on Research Articles
ISBN 9781107669048 , 2012 , Bjorn Gustavii
Doing social science: evidence and methods in empirical research
ISBN 9780230537903 , 2009 , Fiona Devine, Sue Heath
History of Market Research: Intermediating Production and Consumption
ISBN 9780415383851 , 2009 , Andrew McMeekin, Sally Randles, Alan Warde
Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
ISBN 9780080554228 , 2007 , Scott W. Menard
Introduction to Operations Research with Student Access Card
ISBN 9780077298340 , 2009 , Frederick S. Hillier