Søk: 'Cases in Business Policy'
Crime, Police, and Penal Policy: European Experiences 1750-1940
ISBN 9780199669479 , 2013 , Clive Emsley
Essays in international economic theory: The theory of commercial policy
ISBN 9780262021968 , 1984 , Robert C. Feenstra, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Business Ethics in Theory and Practice: Contributions from Asia and New Zealand
ISBN 9789048152735 , 2010
Statistics for Business and Economics
ISBN 9780132745659 , 2012 , Paul Newbold, Betty Thorne
Business Law 5/e
ISBN 9781859419625 , 2005 , 5. utgave , David Kelly, Ann E. M. Holmes,m.fl.
Essential Business Process Modeling
ISBN 9780596008437 , 2005 , Mike Havey
Ageing And Place: Perspectives, Policy, Practice
ISBN 9780415320443 , 2004 , Gavin J. Andrews, David R.. Phillips
Business Leadership and Culture: National Management Styles in the Global Economy
ISBN 9781840646276 , 2001 , Bjorn Bjerke
International Business Chinese
ISBN 9787561905593 , 1999 , Yimin Li
Financial accounting theory and analysis: text readings and cases
ISBN 9780471652434 , 2004 , Richard G. Schroeder, Myrtle Clark,m.fl.
Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations
ISBN 9780472068616 , 2004 , Detlef F. Sprinz, Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias
Technology, morality, and social policy
ISBN 9780773484757 , 1998 , Yeager Hudson
Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780199284993 , 2007 , Dirk Matten, Andrew Crane
Business Plans that Work
ISBN 9780071412872 , 2004 , Andrew Zacharakis, Stephen Spinelli,m.fl.
International Business Negotiations
ISBN 9780080427751 , 1996 , P.N. Ghauri, J.-C. Usunier
Web Marketing for the Music Business
ISBN 9780240810447 , 2008 , Tom Hutchison
Business Marketing Management: B2B: B2B
ISBN 9780324581676 , 2009
Web Marketing for the Music Business
ISBN 9780240823706 , 2012 , Tom Hutchison
Stepfamilies: History, Research, and Policy
ISBN 9780789003379 , 1997 , Irene Levin, Marvin B. Sussman
Creative Destruction: Business Survival Strategies in the Global Internet Economy
ISBN 9780262133890 , 2001
International Business: International Version: The New Realities
ISBN 9780132453271 , 2011 , S. Tamer Cavusgil, Gary A. Knight,m.fl.
Food Policy: Integrating Health, Environment and Society
ISBN 9780198567882 , 2009 , Tim Lang, Martin Caraher
Mind Your Manners: Managing Business Cultures in the New Global Europe
ISBN 9781857883145 , 2003 , John Mole
Black Women, Cultural Images, and Social Policy
ISBN 9780415996785 , 2008
Black Women, Cultural Images and Social Policy
ISBN 9780203883167 , 2008
Chinese domestic politics and foreign policy in the 1970's
ISBN 9780892640362 , 1979 , Allen Suess Whiting
Education Policy: Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy
ISBN 9780761974703 , 2004 , Mark Olssen, John A. Codd, Anne-Marie O'Neill
Education policy: globalization, citizenship and democracy
ISBN 9780761974697 , 2004 , Mark Olssen, John A. Codd, Anne-Marie O'Neill
American public policy: promise and performance
ISBN 9781568029061 , 2004 , B. Guy Peters
Public policy: an introduction to the theory and practice of policy analysis
ISBN 9781852785543 , 1995 , D.W. Parsons