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A Political Sociology of Educational Reform: Power/Knowledge in Teaching, Teacher Education, and Research
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Creativity and problem-solving in the context of business management: a festschrift in honour of Geir Kaufmann for his 60-year anniversary
ISBN 9788245001914 , 2007 , Willy Haukedal, Bård Kuvaas, Geir Kaufmann
Studyguide for Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms in Essential Knowledge for Social Work Practice by Joe M. Schriver, ISBN 9780205520978
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Mathematics for the International Student: Pre-diploma Studies SL (MYP 5) : Presumed Knowledge for Mathematical Studies SL, for Use with IB Middle Years Programme
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Global Institutions and Social Knowledge: Generating Research at the Scripps Institution and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 1900s-1990s
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Global Institutions and Social Knowledge: Generating Research at the Scripps Institution and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1900S-1990s
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Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge
ISBN 9780313224102 , 1962 , Charles Austin Beard
Understanding Cultural Differences in German-American Business Relationships - Developing a Transatlantic Mindset by Learning the Cultural Context in Which German and American Companies Operate
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People Perish Because Of The Lack Of Knowledge: Secrets of the Trade, Twenty Years of Banking, Real Estate, Creative Finance, and Entrepreneurship
ISBN 9781424178476 , 2007 , Robert C. Wiley
Escaping from the Prison-House of Language and Digging for Meanings in Texts Among Texts: Metafiction and Intertextuality in Margaret Atwood's Novels Lady Oracle and the Blind Assassin
ISBN 9783898216432 , 2006 , Andrea Strolz
AASK - Aircraft Accidents Statistics and Knowledge: A Database of Human Experience in Evacuation, Derived from Aviation Accident Reports
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The Knowledge-Creating Company : How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation
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A Case Study of the Factors in the Development of Spanish Linguistic Accuracy and Oral Communication Skills: Motivation and Extended Interaction in the Study Abroad Context
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European Integration Between Institution Building and Social Process: Contributions to the Theory of Modernisation and NGOs in the Context of the Development of the EU
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The rise and fall of Imperial Ireland: Redmondism in the context of Britain's conquest of South Africa and its great war on Germany 1899-1916 / by Pat Walsh
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A theological reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit, with particular reference to its themes of identity, alienation and community: salvation in a social context
ISBN 9780773488748 , 1996 , Esther D. Reed
An identity dilemma: a comparative study of primary education for ethnic Chinese in the context of national identity and nation-building in Malaysia and Singapore
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