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Calculus for Biology and Medicine: Pearson New International Edition
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Holy Terrors: Thinking about Religion after September 11
ISBN 9780226481920 , 2003 , Bruce Lincoln
New Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Proceedings of the Sixth International Nobeyama Workshop on the New Century of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nobeyama, Japan, April 21 to 24, 2003
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Critical thinking: understanding and evaluating dental research
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Power and Influence : [beyond Formal Authority] : [based on the Highly Acclaimed Harvard Business School Course]
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A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective
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On Farming
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Wayward Women: Sexuality And Agency in a New Guinea Society
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Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning: Machine Learning Summer School 2002, Canberra, Australia, February 11-22, 2002, Revised Lectures
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Using Multivariate Statistics: Pearson New International Edition
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The Warriors: Reflections on Men in Battle
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A New Heart and A New Spirit
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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Biological Physics 2000: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, September 18-22, 2000
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Cults in Context: Readings in the Study of New Religious Movements
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Student Outlines Part 1 for University Calculus
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Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor
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Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering: New Metaheuristics, Neural and Fuzzy Techniques in Reliability
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Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
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New Europe in the Changing Global System, A
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A comparison of the educational ideas and practices of John Dewey and Mao Zedong in China: is school society or society school?
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Ansvarlighet i skolen: politiske spørsmål og pedagogiske svar : resultater fra forskningsprosjektet "Achieving School Accountability in Practice"
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