Søk: 'Food and Cultural Studies'
Reading Freud: Psychoanalysis as Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780761952367 , 2007 , Tony Thwaites
The Cultural History of Tibet
ISBN 9789745240339 , 2004 , David Llewellyn Snellgrove,m.fl.
International management : cross-cultural dimensions
ISBN 9780631200031 , 1998 , Richard Mead
Primary industries facing global markets: the supply chains and markets for Norwegian food and forest products
ISBN 9788215010366 , 2006
Books and Readers in Early Modern England: Material Studies
ISBN 9780812217940 , 2001 , Stephen Orgel
Sustainable Historic Cities? : a Baltic-Nordic Approach : a Report on Urban Development and Cultural Values, Case Studies of Tallinn, Riga, Visby and Alesung, Urban Design Guidelines
ISBN 9788279500278 , 2001 , Hans-Jacob Roald
Innovation, Product Development and Commercialization: Case Studies and Key Practices for Market Leadership
ISBN 9781932159707 , 2007 , Dariush Rafinejad
History of Psychology: A Cultural Perspective
ISBN 9780805856095 , 2006
Seeing ourselves: classic, contemporary, and cross-cultural readings in sociology
ISBN 9780130391216 , 2003 , John J. Macionis, Bruce Ravelli,m.fl.
Body in Mind: Explains the Link Between Emotions Food and You !.
ISBN 9781902116006 , 1997 , Clive Wilson-Fearon
But the Crackling is Superb: An Anthology on Food and Drink
ISBN 9780750304887 , 1997 , Nicholas Kurti, Giana Kurti,m.fl.
Essays in Migratory Aesthetics: Cultural Practices Between Migration and Art-making
ISBN 9789042022362 , 2007 , Sam Durrant, Catherine M. Lord
Cultural Anthropology: A Contemporary Perspective
ISBN 9780030475825 , 1998 , Roger Martin Keesing, Andrew J. Strathern
Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: Marketing, Negotiating, and Managing Across Cultures
ISBN 9788716134288 , 1999 , Richard R. Gesteland
China To Chinatown: Chinese Food In The West
ISBN 9781861892270 , 2004 , J. A. G. Roberts
Slaves, Women and Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis
ISBN 9780830815616 , 2001 , William J Webb
Reading Freud: Psychoanalysis as Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780761952374 , 2007 , Tony Thwaites
Media Studies: The Essential Resource
ISBN 9780415291729 , 2003 , Peter Wall, Philip Rayner, Stephen Kruger
Media studies: the essential resource
ISBN 9780415291736 , 2003 , Sarah Casey Benyahia, Peter Wall, Philip Rayner,m.fl.
Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism
ISBN 9780080490861 , 2003 , PhD Yvette Reisinger, Lindsay Turner
Agricide: The Hidden Farm and Food Crisis That Affects Us All
ISBN 9780894649455 , 1996 , Dr Michael W Fox
Sylvia Plath: studies in her poetry and her personality
ISBN 9788270993413 , 2002 , Sylvia Plath, Brita Lindberg-Seyersted
Investigating Obsolescence: Studies in Language Contraction and Death
ISBN 9780521437578 , 1992 , Judith T. Irvine, Bambi B. Schieffelin,m.fl.
Aguecheek's Beef, Belch's Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture, and Food Among the Early Moderns
ISBN 9780226021263 , 2006 , Robert Appelbaum
Advanced Media Studies Teacher Guide: Aqa
ISBN 9781844893263 , 2008 , David Probert, Andrew Graham
Development Centre Studies Financing Development 2008
ISBN 9789264045583 , 2008 , m.fl.
Sport Matters: Sociological Studies of Sport, Violence, and Civilization
ISBN 9780415064132 , 1999 , Eric Dunning
Teaching Introduction to Women's Studies: Expectations and Strategies Index
ISBN 9780897895903 , 1999 , Carolyn DiPalma, Barbara Scott Winkler
Successful Fundraising for Arts and Cultural Organizations: Second Edition
ISBN 9781573560290 , 1996 , 2. utgave , Karen Brooks Hopkins, Carolyn Stolper Friedman,m.fl.
The Companion to Development Studies, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780340889145 , 2008 , 2. utgave , Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter