Søk: 'Gender and migration in developing countries'
A Comparison of the Social, Religious, and Gender Role Attitudes of Catholic and Protestant Women in the Republic of Ireland: Twenty-First Century Ireland from a Woman's Perspective
ISBN 9780773437876 , 2010 , Florence E. V. Craven, Myrtle (FRW) Hill
Femininity, Feminism and Gendered Discourse: A Selected and Edited Collection of Papers from the Fifth International Language and Gender Association Conference (IGALA5)
ISBN 9781443823647 , 2010 , Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra
Developing Potential Across a Full Range of Leadership TM
ISBN 9781410603975 , 2002 , Bruce J. Avolio, Bernard M. Bass
Scandinavian design beyond the myth: fifty years of design from the Nordic countries
ISBN 9789185213306 , 2007 , Widar Halén, Gabor Palotai Design,m.fl.
Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play
ISBN 9788776743802 , 2009 , Suna Lowe Nielsen, Kim Klyver, Majbritt Evald,m.fl.
Talk in Action: Interactions, Identities, and Institutions
ISBN 9781405185493 , 2010 , John Heritage, Steven Clayman
Qualitative Research in Business and Management
ISBN 9780857029744 , 2013 , Michael D. Myers
Orthotics and prosthetics in rehabilitation
ISBN 9780750674799 , 2007 , Michelle M. Lusardi, Caroline C. Nielsen
Space, Text, and Gender: An Anthropological Study of the Marakwet of Kenya
ISBN 9780898628258 , 1986 , Henrietta L. Moore
Theory and Methods in Political Science
ISBN 9780230576278 , 2010 , Gerry Stoker, David Marsh
Intermediality in Theatre and Performance
ISBN 9789042016293 , 2006 , Freda Chapple, Chiel Kattenbelt,m.fl.
Like a Natural Woman: Constructing Gender from Performance to Performativity
ISBN 9783639080322 , 2008 , Jennifer Douglas
Weaving a Library Web: A Guide to Developing Children's Websites
ISBN 9780838908778 , 2004 , Helene Blowers, Robin Bryan
Marketing in Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780750686938 , 2009 , Victor T. C. Middleton, Michael Morgan
Learning and Cognition in Education
ISBN 9780123814388 , 2011
Studyguide for The Geographies of Developing Areas: The Global South in a Changing World by Glyn Williams, ISBN 9780415381222
ISBN 9781428881259 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Physiotherapy in Respiratory and Cardiac Care
ISBN 9781408072837 , 2014 , Alexandra Hough
Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses
ISBN 9780415617765 , 2011 , James Paul Gee
Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology
ISBN 9780415835770 , 2014 , Mark R. Beauchamp
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
ISBN 9780470383278 , 2011 , David M. Mount
Information Choice in Macroeconomics and Finance
ISBN 9780691142203 , 2011 , Laura L. Veldkamp
Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
ISBN 9781849200622 , 2011
International migration challenges in a new era: policy perspectives and priorities for Europe, Japan, North America and the international community : a report to the Trilateral Commission
ISBN 9780930503697 , 1993 , Doris M. Meissner, Robert D. Hormats,m.fl.
Methods in Bioengineering: Microdevices in Biology and Medicine
ISBN 9781596934047 , 2009 , Yaakov Nahmias, Sangeeta Bhatia
Advances in Information Technology and Communication in Health
ISBN 9781586039790 , 2009 , James G. McDaniel
Language and Learning in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780415602778 , 2011 , James Paul Gee
Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development, and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China
ISBN 9781611320749 , 2013 , Robert J. Shepherd
Teaching English in Norway: ideas, schemes and resources
ISBN 9788215020952 , 2013
Cultures and Societies in a Changing World
ISBN 9781412990547 , 2012 , Wendy Griswold
Crosslinguistic Influence in Language and Cognition
ISBN 9780415879811 , 2010 , Scott Jarvis, Aneta Pavlenko