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High Prevalence of Kell Positive Blood Group in the Hitra Population
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A People's History of the United States CD: A People's History of the United States CD
ISBN 9780060530068 , 2003 , Howard Zinn, Matt Damon
The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Reference to the Myths, Religions, Pyramids and Temples of the Land of the Pharaohs
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A Natural History of Seeing: The Art and Science of Vision
ISBN 9780393067194 , 2012 , Simon Ings
The Penguin atlas of world history: From the beginning to the eve of the French Revolution
ISBN 9780141012636 , 2004 , Hermann Kinder, Werner Hilgemann
The craft of international history: a guide to method
ISBN 9780691125695 , 2006 , Marc Trachtenberg
The Hutchinson dictionary of world history
ISBN 9780874367652 , 1993 , Jennifer Speake, Ian Derbyshire
New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion. Mark Cotta Vaz
ISBN 9781905654680 , 2009 , Mark Cotta Vaz
Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce: The European AgentLink Perspective
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A Brief History of the Masses: (Three Revolutions)
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A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire
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Unpredictability and Presence: Norwegian Kingship in the High Middle Ages
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Theater games for the classroom: a teachers's handbook
ISBN 9780810140042 , 1986 , Viola Spolin
Mathematical Solitaires and Games
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A History of Thermodynamics: The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy
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A History of Archaeological Thought
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India: the definitive history
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The Human Web: A Bird's-Eye View of World History
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A History of the Cocker Spaniel
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Children's History of Exeter
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Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes; Fourth Edition
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The Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld
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International Relations and the Philosophy of History
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The Secret History
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Tarot; an Illustrated Guide
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A History of Iraq
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The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People: to 1877
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Solid State Electronic Devices
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