Søk: 'History of Central Africa: The contemporary years since 1960. 3'
History of Europe and the Middle East
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Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
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Janson's History of Art: The Western Tradition
ISBN 9780205685196 , 2010 , Penelope J.E. Davies, Frima Fox Hofrichter,m.fl.
British Management in the Thatcher Years
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Echoes of the Holocaust: historical cultures in contemporary Europe
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Changing fortunes: a Central European recalls : the memoirs of Zikmund Konecný
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Art History: The Basics
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A History of Western Music
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The Global Economy: Contemporary Debates
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A History of the Modern Middle East
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Seizing the light: a history of photography
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The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa in Modern Times
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Methods & Theories of Art History
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Africa and the International System
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Holy Warriors: A Modern History of the Crusades
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Gatekeepers of Growth: The International Political Economy of Central Banking in Developing Countries
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Men, Women, and History: A Biographical Reader in Western Civilization Since the Sixteenth Century
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South Africa
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Computer: A History of the Information Machine
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To the End of the Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico
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