Søk: 'Information for Innovation: Managing Change from an Information Perspective'
Studyguide for Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective by Belch & Belch, ISBN 9780073381091
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From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence: Measuring Technological, Market and Organisational Innovation
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Innovation Management and New Product Development
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Creative Problem Solving for Managers: Developing Skills for Decision Making and Innovation
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Information and Communication Technologies in Everyday Life: A Concise Introduction and Research Guide
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Innovation-Driven Health Care: 34 Key Concepts for Transformation
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African Politics in Comparative Perspective
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Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics: In Honor of Edmund Strother Phelps
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He, She and IT Revisited: New Perspectives on Gender in the Information Society
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Who Moved My Cheese?: For Teens : an A-mazing Way to Change and Win!
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Organization Development and Change
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Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
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Cognitive-Experiential Self Theory and Transformational Leadership: Information-processing, Educational Leadership, Conflict-handling Styles
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Research Memorandum 36 Addressing Organisational and Societal Concerns: an Application of Critical Systems Thinking to Information Systems Planning in Colombia
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Presence: An Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society
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Studyguide for Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective by Belch & Belch, ISBN 9780073255965
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Information and Communication Technologies and Broad-based Development: Partial Review of the Evidence
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Implementing Change from Within in Universities and Colleges: Ten Personal Accounts from Middle Managers
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Globalization and Innovation
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Change of State
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