Søk: 'The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader'
Becoming a Reader: The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood
ISBN 9780521467568 , 1994
A New Introduction to American Studies
ISBN 9780582894372 , 2006 , C. W. E. Bigsby, Howard Temperley
Case Studies in Nursing Ethics 3e
ISBN 9780763730376 , 2006 , 3. utgave , Sara T. Fry, Robert M. Veatch
Studies in Jewish history
ISBN 9780275930356 , 1989
Grundtvig in international perspective: studies in the creativity of interaction
ISBN 9788772888354 , 2000 , N. Hjelm, J.H. Schjorring, A. M. Allchin,m.fl.
Case Studies in Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9780471987819 , 1999 , Gerrit Antonides, W. Fred van Raaij
Critical Ideas in Television Studies
ISBN 9780198742203 , 1999 , John Corner
Athletics for A Level PE and Sports Studies - Jumps DVD
ISBN 9781901424294 , 2003 , Jannette Veronica Roscoe, Dennis Alan Roscoe,m.fl.
Athletics for A Level PE and Sports Studies - Throws DVD
ISBN 9781901424300 , 2003 , Jannette Veronica Roscoe, Dennis Alan Roscoe,m.fl.
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
ISBN 9780077169848 , 2015 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith, Nigel Holt,m.fl.
Language teaching and learning in a multicultural context: case studies from primary education in the Netherlands and Norway
ISBN 9788270993994 , 2004 , Else Ryen, Jeff Bezemer, Sjaak Kroon,m.fl.
Food Studies: An Introduction to Research Methods
ISBN 9781845206819 , 2009 , Jeff Miller, Jonathan Deutsch
A Progressive German Reader: Adapted to the American Edition of Ollendorf's German Grammar: With Copious Noites and a Vocabulary
ISBN 9781143037269 , 2010 , George J. Adler
A Progressive German Reader: Adapted to the American Edition of Ollendorff's German Grammar: With Copious Notes and a Vocabulary
ISBN 9781143057762 , 2010 , George J. Adler, Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff
Genetic Studies of Genius: The promise of youth
ISBN 9780804700115 , 1981 , Barbara Stoddard Burks, Dortha Williams Jensen,m.fl.
ISBN 9783639336634 , 2011 , SUBAS CHANDRABOSE MURUGAN, G. Arthanareeswaran
Empirical Studies in Institutional Change
ISBN 9780521557436 , 1996 , Randall Calvert, Thrainn Eggertsson,m.fl.
Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling And Case Studies Approach With Spreadsheets
ISBN 9780073129037 , 2007 , Frederick S. Hillier, Mark S. Hillier
Religion in Contemporary Japan
ISBN 9780333523223 , 1991 , Ian Reader
Studies in Jewish thought
ISBN 9780275930370 , 1989
Studies in Jewish History
ISBN 9780275930363 , 1989
Unity and Modularity in the Mind and Self: Studies on the Relationships Between Self-awareness, Personality, and Intellectual Development from Childhood to Adolescence
ISBN 9780415233996 , 2000 , Andreas Demetriou, Smaragda Kazi
A Century of British Medieval Studies
ISBN 9780197263952 , 2007 , Alan Deyermond
Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture
ISBN 9780262061735 , 1995 , John Cava,m.fl.
Aqa Business Studies for As. Ian Marcous, Marie Brewer and Andrew Hammond
ISBN 9781444107968 , 2010 , Ian Marcouse, Marie Brewer, Andrew Hammond
Scandinavian Studies in Rhetoric: Rhetorica Scandinavica 1997-2010
ISBN 9789186093099 , 2011 , Jens E. Kjeldsen
Critical Terms for Religious Studies
ISBN 9780226791579 , 1998 , Mark C. Taylor
Critical Terms for Religious Studies
ISBN 9780226791562 , 1998 , Mark C. Taylor
An Ong reader: challenges for further inquiry
ISBN 9781572734456 , 2002 , Thomas Farrell, Paul A. Soukup
Academic Writing for International Studies of Business
ISBN 9780415468831 , 2011 , Theresa Lillis, Mary Jane Curry