Søk: 'Varieties of Environmentalism: Essays North & South'
English Pasts: Essays in History and Culture
ISBN 9780198207801 , 1999 , Stefan Collini
Law, Liberty, and Parliament: Selected Essays on the Writings of Sir Edward Coke
ISBN 9780865974258 , 2004 , Allen D. Boyer
Law, Liberty, and Parliament: Selected Essays on the Writings of Sir Edward Coke
ISBN 9780865974265 , 2004 , Allen D. Boyer
Environment and History: The Taming of Nature in the USA and South Africa
ISBN 9780415114684 , 1995 , William Beinart, Peter A. Coates
Industrialisation and Trade Union Organization in South Africa, 1924-1955: The Rise and Fall of the South African Trades and Labour Council
ISBN 9780521263122 , 1984 , Jon Lewis
History of the Present: Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s
ISBN 9780375727627 , 2001 , Timothy Garton Ash
Island of Blood: Frontline Reports from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Other South Asian Flashpoints
ISBN 9780143029069 , 2002
Acid Deposition: Atmospheric Processes in Eastern North America
ISBN 9780309074636 , 1983 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
State Collapse in South-Eastern Europe: New Perspectives on Yugoslavia's Disintegration
ISBN 9781557534606 , 2007
African Women and Apartheid: Migration and Settlement in Urban South Africa
ISBN 9781845118198 , 2009 , Rebekah Lee
En annen dato et annet sted: essays
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Veien til vestfronten: essays fra en reise
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The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture
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Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-face Behavior
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Asylums: essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates
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Gendered Voices: Reflections on Gender and Education in South Africa and Sudan
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The New Cultural History: Essays by ...
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Application of Geographic Invormation [i.e. Information] Systems (GIS) for Integrated Assessment and Management of Mineral Resources in North-east Asia
ISBN 9789211200768 , 2002 , m.fl.
Learning strategies and skill learning: essays in honour of Nils Søvik
ISBN 9788251913409 , 1998
Bankruptcy Law Client Strategies in South America: Leading Lawyers on Navigating the South American Bankruptcy Process, Working With Local Governments, and Developing Successful Strategies
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Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis
ISBN 9780415908849 , 1995 , Carol Lowery Delaney, Sylvia Junko Yanagisako,m.fl.
Et hvilket som helst glass vann: essays
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Teologi for det tredje årtusen: essays
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Ariels: Departures & Returns : Essays for Edwin Thumboo
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Brain, Mind and Medicine:: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Neuroscience
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Og ordet ble ord: essays om poesi
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Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915
ISBN 9783718651672 , 1992 , J.K. Noyes
Menneskeverd og ondskap: essays og artikler 1991-2002
ISBN 9788205326446 , 2006 , Arne Johan Vetlesen