Søk: 'Advanced Models for Project Management'
Wie Project Management: A Managerial Approach
ISBN 9780471429074 , 2003 , Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel
Project Management in Practice [With Access Code]
ISBN 9780470533017 , 2010 , Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel,m.fl.
Advanced Cost and Management Accounting
ISBN 9788176486743 , 2004 , R. Jayaprakash Reddy
Brilliant Project Management: What the Best Project Managers Know, Say, and Do
ISBN 9780273707936 , 2007 , Stephen Barker, Rob Cole
Outlines & Highlights for Project Management by Jeffery K. Pinto: 9780136065616 0136065619
ISBN 9781619056589 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Project Management Workbook to Accompany Project Management: A System Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
ISBN 9780471225799 , 2003 , Harold Kerzner
Advanced Case Management: New Strategies for the Nineties
ISBN 9780803938724 , 1993 , Norma Radol Raiff, Barbara K. Shore,m.fl.
Power and Politics in Project Management
ISBN 9781880410431 , 1997 , Jeffrey K. Pinto
Advanced Case Management: New Strategies for the Nineties
ISBN 9780803953086 , 1993 , Norma Radol Raiff, Barbara K. Shore
Beyond Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II): Advanced Models and Methods for Production Planning
ISBN 9783642083938 , 2010
Numerical Models for Differential Problems
ISBN 9788847010703 , 2009
Project Management: A Managerial Approach, International Student Version, 8
ISBN 9781118093733 , 2012 , Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel
Numerical Models for Differential Problems
ISBN 9788847010710 , 2010 , Alfio Quarteroni
Project Management 8e and Case Studies Set
ISBN 9780471281603 , 2003 , 8. utgave , Harold R. Kerzner
Translating Corporate Strategy Into Project Strategy: Realizing Corporate Strategy Through Project Management
ISBN 9781930699373 , 2004 , Ashley Jamieson
Project Management Workbook and PMP/CAPM Exam Study Guide
ISBN 9781118552537 , 2013 , Harold R. Kerzner, Frank P. Saladis
Advanced water distribution modeling and management
ISBN 9780971414129 , 2003 , Thomas M. Walski
Online Course Pack:Operations Management/Project Management Media Edition with MS Project CD/Companion Website with GradeTracker Student Access Card:Operations Management 5e
ISBN 9781405888028 , 2007 , 5. utgave , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston, Stuart Chambers,m.fl.
Project risk management: processes, techniques, and insights
ISBN 9780471958048 , 1997 , C. B. Chapman, Stephen C. Ward
International Advanced Diploma in Administrative Management
ISBN 9780900491795 , 2005 , Patricia Denvir
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)
ISBN 9781935589679 , 2013 , Project Management Institute
Analyzing english grammar: exercises for advanced students
ISBN 9788245012750 , 2012 , Bente Hannisdal, Gard Buen Jenset
Project Management: A Managerial Approach, International Student Version, 7
ISBN 9780470400265 , 2010 , 7. utgave , Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel
Generalized Linear Models for Insurance Data
ISBN 9780521879149 , 2008 , Piet de Jong, Gillian Z. Heller
The Standard for Portfolio Management
ISBN 9781935589693 , 2013 , Project Management Institute
Beyond Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II): Advanced Models and Methods for Production Planning
ISBN 9783540642473 , 1998
Spatial Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Project Management
ISBN 9781402053931 , 2006 , Albert K.W. Yeung, G. Brent Hall
Analytical Models for Decision-Making
ISBN 9780335218455 , 2006 , Colin J. Sanderson, Reinhold Gruen
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
ISBN 9781933890517 , 2009 , Project Management Institute
The New Strategic Brand Management: Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking
ISBN 9780749465155 , 2012 , Jean-Noël Kapferer