Søk: 'Algeria, the challenge of modernity'
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Modernity and Technology
ISBN 9780262633109 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa, Philip Brey, Andrew Feenberg
Peoples of the Earth: Ethnonationalism, Democracy, and the Indigenous Challenge in 'Latin' America
ISBN 9780739143926 , 2010 , Robert A. Pastor, Martin Edwin Andersen
Media and modernity - a social theory of the media
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Hinduism and Modernity
ISBN 9780631208617 , 2002 , David Smith
The Jew in the Text: Modernity and the Construction of Identity
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Class, Individualization and Late Modernity: In Search of the Reflexive Worker
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Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750
ISBN 9780199254569 , 2002 , Jonathan I. Israel
Music hall & modernity: the late-Victorian discovery of popular culture
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Peoples of the Earth: Ethnonationalism, Democracy, and the Indigenous Challenge in "Latin" America
ISBN 9780739143919 , 2010 , Robert A. Pastor, Martin Edwin Andersen
Democratic Learning: The Challenge to School Effectiveness
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The Domestication of Desire: Women, Wealth, and Modernity in Java
ISBN 9780691016924 , 1998
Reconstructing Mathematics Education: Stories of Teachers Meeting the Challenge of Reform
ISBN 9780807732052 , 1993 , Catherine Twomey Fosnot, Deborah Schifter,m.fl.
Reconstructing Mathematics Education: Stories of Teachers Meeting the Challenge of Reform
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Chinese Religiosities: Afflictions of Modernity and State Formation
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International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition with CESIM Access Card
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Hybrids of Modernity: Anthropology, the Nation State and the Universal Exhibition
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Critical Social Theory: Culture, History, and the Challenge of Difference
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The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Late Modernity
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The Domestication of Desire: Women, Wealth, and Modernity in Java
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Modernity And Postmodern Culture
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Anthropology, Development and the Post-Modern Challenge
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Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics: The Challenge of Complexity to Ways of Thinking About Organisations
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Cinema and Modernity
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Modernity Al Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization
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Mass media, modernity, and development: Arab states of the Gulf
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A Sociology of modernity: liberty and discipline
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