Søk: 'American Catholics, American Culture: Tradition and Resistance'
American psycho
ISBN 9788210037153 , 1994 , Bret Easton Ellis
American Born Chinese
ISBN 9781596431522 , 2006 , Gene Luen Yang
American Apprenticeship and Industrial Education
ISBN 9781116299847 , 2009
American Apprenticeship and Industrial Education
ISBN 9781116299823 , 2009
American Apprenticeship and Industrial Education
ISBN 9781116299830 , 2009
Religion and the American Presidency
ISBN 9781403977717 , 2007 , Mark J. Rozell, Gleaves Whitney
Understanding American Politics and Government
ISBN 9780205651863 , 2009 , John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldstein,m.fl.
Oxford guide to British and American culture: for learners of English
ISBN 9780194313322 , 2003 , Jonathan Crowther, Kathryn Kavanagh
American Government and Politics Today
ISBN 9780534654160 , 2004 , Barbara A. Bardes
American Cultural Pluralism and Law
ISBN 9780275986926 , 2006
American Orthodoxy and Parish Congregationalism
ISBN 9781593331955 , 2006
Understanding American Politics and Government
ISBN 9780205679898 , 2008 , John J. Coleman, Kenneth M. Goldstein,m.fl.
Contemporary American Society
ISBN 9788750039105 , 2006
Contemporary American Fiction
ISBN 9780748622689 , 2010
English pronunciation and intonation: British, American and World Englishes
ISBN 9788215015699 , 2010 , Thor Sigurd Nilsen
American melodrama
ISBN 9780933826212 , 1983 , Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dion Boucicault,m.fl.
American Political Thought: The Philosophic Dimension of American Statesmanship
ISBN 9781412811392 , 2011 , Morton J. Frisch, Richard G. Stevens
Madcaps, screwballs, and con women: the female trickster in American culture
ISBN 9780812216516 , 1998 , Lori Landay
The CIA and American Democracy
ISBN 9780300099485 , 2003 , Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
American Poetry and Prose
ISBN 9780395044605 , 1970 , Norman Foerster
Muslim American Youth
ISBN 9780814740408 , 2008 , Selcuk R. Sirin
American Legal English
ISBN 9780472003259 , 2008
Dictionary of Idioms: American-French, French-American
ISBN 9781858638195 , 1996 , Daniel Vitaglione
American Independent Cinema
ISBN 9781850439387 , 2005
American Independent Cinema
ISBN 9781850439370 , 2005
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415481618 , 2009
Shaker music: a manifestation of American folk culture
ISBN 9780838779538 , 1973 , Harold E. Cook
American Defense Policy
ISBN 9780801880940 , 2005 , Collins G. Shackleford
American Government: Roots and Reform 2011
ISBN 9780205825837 , 2010
American Government: Freedom and Power
ISBN 9780393977844 , 2003 , Theodore J. Lowi, Douglas B. Harris