Søk: 'American Paintings of the 19th Century'
A Century of American Diplomacy: A Brief Review of the Foreign Relations of the United States 1776 To 1876
ISBN 9781417960392 , 2004 , John W. Foster
A Century of Ideas: Perspectives from Leading Scientists of the 20th Century
ISBN 9781402043598 , 2008 , B. G. Sidharth
Impressions; a selection of literature and paintings from the english-speaking world
ISBN 9788203329753 , 2003 , Annabelle Despard, Elisabeth Ibsen, Alf Bårtvedt
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865
ISBN 9780393918861 , 2012 , Nina Baym, Jerome Klinkowitz, Robert S. Levine,m.fl.
Salvador Dali: 1904-1989: The Paintings, 1904-1646
ISBN 9783822812099 , 2001 , Gilles Néret, Robert Descharnes
Art of the 20th Century: Painting
ISBN 9783822840894 , 2005 , Karl Ruhrberg, Klaus Honnef, Christiane Fricke,m.fl.
The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume 2: 1865 to the Present
ISBN 9780393918878 , 2013 , Nina Baym, Robert S. Levine
The Norton Anthology of American Literature
ISBN 9780393927429 , 2007 , Nina Baym
The Character of War in the 21st Century
ISBN 9780203863312 , 2009 , Caroline Holmqvist-Jonsater, Christopher Coker
American Icons: Transatlantic Perspectives on Eighteenth- And Nineteenth-Century American Art
ISBN 9780892362462 , 1993
Conquest: The Destruction of the American Indios
ISBN 9780745640013 , 2007 , Massimo Livi Bacci
Conquest: The Destruction of the American Indios
ISBN 9780745640006 , 2007 , Massimo Livi Bacci
Farewell, My Nation: The American Indian and the United States in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9780882959566 , 2000 , Philip Weeks
The sounds of american english
ISBN 9788279980148 , 2000 , Karl S. Hofsø, Karl Hofso
Embedded Liberalism and Its Critics: Justifying Global Governance in the American Century
ISBN 9781403971807 , 2006 , Jens Steffek
An Asian Century Manifesto: Global Political Economy of the 21st Century
ISBN 9781906844004 , 2008 , Atma Singh
Psychological and Biological Assessment at the Turn of the Century: Section V of American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry
ISBN 9780880484497 , 1997 , John F. Clarkin
Fall of giants: the century trilogy 1
ISBN 9780330535441 , 2011 , Ken Follett
Eye of the Century: Film, Experience, Modernity
ISBN 9780231139953 , 2008 , Francesco Casetti
Eye of the Century: Film, Experience, Modernity
ISBN 9780231139946 , 2008 , Francesco Casetti
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People
ISBN 9780840028228 , 2011 , Joseph F. Kett, Karen Halttunen, Harvard Sitkoff,m.fl.
Family, Kinship, and Sympathy in Nineteenth-century American Literature
ISBN 9780521031264 , 2006 , Albert Gelpi, Cindy Weinstein, Ross Posnock
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
ISBN 9781433805622 , 2009 , American Psychological Association
The Norton Anthology of American Literature Shorter Edition
ISBN 9780393930573 , 2007 , Nina Baym
Politics and Paintings at the Venice Biennale 1948-64: Italy and the 'Idea of Europe'
ISBN 9780719068966 , 2007 , Nancy Jachec
Hammond Atlas of the 20th Century
ISBN 9780843711493 , 1996 , Hammond Incorporated
The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller
ISBN 9781421409887 , 2013 , Carlo Ginzburg, John Tedeschi, Anne C. Tedeschi
The Puzzle of Latin American Economic Development
ISBN 9780742553538 , 2007 , Patrice M. Franko
Political Philosophers of the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780631202615 , 1998 , Michael Harry Lessnoff
Odd Nerdrum; paintings, sketches and drawings
ISBN 9788205329973 , 2004 , Odd Nerdrum, Richard Vine