Søk: 'Animal disease and human trauma: emotional geographies of disaster'
Hot thought: mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition
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Geographies of Globalization: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781405110914 , 2007 , Andrew Herod
Mercer's Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma Tenth Edition
ISBN 9780340942031 , 2009 , 10. utgave , Sureshan Sivanathan, M.D., Eugene Sherry, M.D.,m.fl.
Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease
ISBN 9780323075336 , 2011 , James F. Zachary, Ph.D., M. Donald McGavin, Ph.D.
Auditory Trauma, Protection, and Repair
ISBN 9780387725604 , 2008 , Jochen Schacht, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay
Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug And Disease Management
ISBN 9780781757348 , 2006 , Richard A. Helms, David J. Quan
Geographies of Development in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847209665 , 2008 , Sylvia H. Chant, Cathy MacIlwaine
Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity
ISBN 9780520235953 , 2004 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Bernard Giesen,m.fl.
Barn och trauma
ISBN 9789144060415
Cultural Trauma
ISBN 9780511029332 , 2001
Geographies of Globalization: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781405110525 , 2008 , Andrew Herod
Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma E-Book
ISBN 9780443067181 , 2009 , David J. Dandy, Dennis J. Edwards
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare
ISBN 9780470655498 , 2013 , Sarah Wolfensohn, Maggie Lloyd
Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies
ISBN 9780132228237 , 2008 , David W. Smith, Tony Binns, Jennifer A. Elliott,m.fl.
Geographies Of Muslim Women: Gender, Religion, And Space
ISBN 9781593851835 , 2005 , Ghazi-Walid Falah, Caroline Rose Nagel
Physiology and Behaviour of Animal Suffering
ISBN 9780632064687 , 2004 , Neville G. Gregory
Interpreting Trauma Radiographs
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Geographies of Mobilities: Practices, Spaces, Subjects
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Geographies of Health: An Introduction
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Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease
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Social Aspects of Illness, Disease and Sickness Absence
ISBN 9788274774803 , 2011 , Halvor Nordby, Rolf Rønning, Gunnar Tellnes
Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis: Human Pathology and Experimental Animal Methods and Models
ISBN 9780849363573 , 1989 , Rodney A. White
Emotional Development: The Organization of Emotional Life in the Early Years
ISBN 9780521629928 , 1997 , Ross D. Parke, L. Alan Sroufe,m.fl.
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
ISBN 9788181475282 , 2006 , Vinay Kumar
Affective Narratology: The Emotional Structure of Stories
ISBN 9780803230026 , 2011 , Patrick Colm Hogan
Social Geographies: Space and Society
ISBN 9780582357778 , 2001 , Gill Valentine
Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease
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Quakes and Storms: A Natural Disaster Anthology
ISBN 9781411638884 , 2006 , various authors,m.fl.
Animal Behavior
ISBN 9780128015322 , 2015
Geographies of Globalisation: A Demanding World
ISBN 9781847874719 , 2009 , Gillian Rose, Clive Barnett, Jennifer Robinson