Søk: 'Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia'
The political economy of South-East Asia: conflicts, crises and change
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Deliberative Global Politics: Discourse and Democracy in a Divided World
ISBN 9780745634135 , 2006 , John S. Dryzek
Deliberative Global Politics: Discourse and Democracy in a Divided World
ISBN 9780745634128 , 2006 , John S. Dryzek
The Color of the Law: Race, Violence, and Justice in the Post-World War II South
ISBN 9780807848029 , 1999 , Gail Williams O'Brien
The color of the law: race, violence, and justice in the post-World War II South
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History and Theory in Anthropology
ISBN 9780521774321 , 2000 , Alan Barnard
From Patriarchy to Empowerment: Women's Participation, Movements, and Rights in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia
ISBN 9780815631118 , 2007 , Valentine M. Moghadam
Hybrids of Modernity: Anthropology, the Nation State and the Universal Exhibition
ISBN 9780415130455 , 1996 , Penelope Harvey
Regionalism Across the North-South Divide: State Strategies and Globalization
ISBN 9780415162135 , 1998 , Wil Hout, Jean Grugel
South-East Asia on a Shoestring
ISBN 9781741044447 , 2006 , George Dunford
Pacific Asia: The Politics of Development
ISBN 9780415184885 , 2003 , Yumei Zhang
Pacific Asia: The Politics of Development
ISBN 9780415184892 , 2003 , Yumei Zhang
Sport and Violence
ISBN 9780080942179 , 2009 , Lynn Jamieson, Thomas Orr
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780852558607 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge
ISBN 9780521006156 , 2012 , Maurice Bloch
The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America
ISBN 9780807871331 , 2010 , Michael T. Taussig
A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia
ISBN 9780521429269 , 1995 , Bina Agarwal
Fierce Gods: Inequality, Ritual, and the Politics of Dignity in a South Indian Village
ISBN 9780253217653 , 2005 , Diane P. Mines
Oil and Democracy in Iraq
ISBN 9780863566653 , 2007 , Robert Springborg
After the Propaganda State: Media, Politics, and "Thought Work" in Reformed China
ISBN 9780804734615 , 1999 , Daniel C. Lynch, Dan Lynch
A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism: The nation-state and violence
ISBN 9780745600321 , 1987 , Anthony Giddens
Stratagems and Spoils: A Social Anthropology of Politics
ISBN 9780813339337 , 2001 , Frederick George Bailey
Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy, and Political Science
ISBN 9780521478274 , 1994 , John S. Dryzek
Democracy and the news
ISBN 9780195151329 , 2003 , Herbert J. Gans
Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization
ISBN 9781137299864 , 2013 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Jorg Matthes, Sandra Lavenex,m.fl.
A Democracy of Distinction: Aristotle and the Work of Politics
ISBN 9780226260198 , 2005 , Jill Frank
The Politics of Global Supply Chains: Power and Governance Beyond the State
ISBN 9780745661711 , 2013 , Kate Macdonald
Africa and the International System: The Politics of State Survival
ISBN 9780521576680 , 1996 , Christopher Clapham, Steve Smith,m.fl.
Rethinking the Rise and Fall of Apartheid: South Africa and World Politics
ISBN 9780333981238 , 2004 , Adrian Guelke
Rethinking the Rise and Fall of Apartheid: South Africa and World Politics
ISBN 9780333981221 , 2004 , Adrian Guelke