Søk: 'Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology'
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology. Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
ISBN 9780132051613 , 2007 , Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders
ISBN 9780863776403 , 1999 , Anthony Esgate, Richard Kemp, David Groome,m.fl.
Essential Psychology: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9781847875389 , 2010 , Philip Banyard
Introduction to Econometrics
ISBN 9781408264331 , 2011 , Mark Watson, James H. Stock
An Introduction to the History of Psychology
ISBN 9780534060725 , 1986 , B. R. Hergenhahn
Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology
ISBN 9780131982031 , 2009 , Darren Langdridge, Gareth Hagger-Johnson
An Introduction to the History of Psychology: With InfoTrac
ISBN 9780534554064 , 2004 , B. R. Hergenhahn
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior [With Infotrac]
ISBN 9780534612276 , 2003 , Dennis Coon
Plató's Republic: an introduction
ISBN 9780748611881 , 1999 , Sean Sayers
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders
ISBN 9780863776397 , 1999 , David Groome, Hazel Dewart
The Person: An Introduction to the Science of Personality Psychology
ISBN 9780470129135 , 2009 , Dan P. McAdams
Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective, 4th Edition
ISBN 9781405124003 , 2007 , 4. utgave , Miles Hewstone, Klaus Jonas
Psychology: An Introduction to a Behavioral Science
ISBN 9780471536031 , 1975 , Henry Clay Lindgren, Donn Erwin Byrne
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders
ISBN 9780415193764 , 1999 , David Groome, Hazel Dewart, Dewart Gurney, Towell
Sport Psychology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780830415489 , 2001 , Arnold D. LeUnes, Jack R. Nation
Intl Stdt Ed-an Introduction to the History of Psychology
ISBN 9780495506232 , 2008 , B. R. Hergenhahn
An Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9780131249400 , 2005 , Christina Knusson, Ronald A. McQueen
Introduction to Algorithms
ISBN 9780262033848 , 2009 , Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson,m.fl.
Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology
ISBN 9780130978325 , 2004 , Darren Langdridge
Introduction to Spectroscopy
ISBN 9781285460123 , 2014 , James R. Vyvyan
ISBN 9788215017730 , 2011 , Olav Kolstad, Fredrik Sejersted,m.fl.
Introduction to Biopsychology
ISBN 9780132052962 , 2009 , Andrew Wickens
Introduction to Documentary
ISBN 9780253355560 , 2010 , Bill Nichols
An Introduction to Meaning and Purpose in Analytical Psychology
ISBN 9780415207690 , 2001 , Dale Mathers
Introduction to Bioinformatics
ISBN 9780199651566 , 2013 , Arthur M. Lesk
Abnormal Psychology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780534203641 , 1996 , Vincent Mark Durand, David H. Barlow
Introduction to SPSS in Psychology: For Version 16 and Earlier
ISBN 9780132051644 , 2008 , Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
Health Psychology: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780521005265 , 2006
Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace
ISBN 9780199227518 , 2009 , Lisa Matthewman, Amanda Rose, Angela Hetherington
Introduction to Documentary
ISBN 9780253222602 , 2010 , Bill Nichols