Søk: 'Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing'
Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems
ISBN 9780521543101 , 2004 , Mark Ryan, Michael Huth
A Computer-aided Design and Synthesis Environment for Analog Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780792376972 , 2002 , Geert Van der Plas, Georges Gielen,m.fl.
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
ISBN 9780131489653 , 2006
Offshore Engineering and Production
ISBN 9781905331987 , 2011 , Angus Mather
Flexible Automation in Developing Countries: The impact on scale and scope and the implications for location of production
ISBN 9780203193525 , 2004 , Ludovico Alcorta
Animal Production Systems in Neolithic Central Europe
ISBN 9780860547228 , 1991 , Margaret Glass
Managing Power Electronics: VLSI and DSP-Driven Computer Systems
ISBN 9780471709596 , 2005
Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning About Systems
ISBN 9780521656023 , 2000 , Michael Huth, Mark D. Ryan
Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation
ISBN 9780876640180 , 2013 , Dick Caro
Dynamic Control of Quality in Production-Inventory Systems: Coordination and Optimization
ISBN 9780387954912 , 2002 , David D. Yao, Shaohui Zheng
Television Production
ISBN 9780240522579 , 2012 , Gerald Millerson, Jim Owens
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
ISBN 9780130174406 , 2001
Assembly Automation and Product Design, Second Edition
ISBN 9781574446432 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Boothroyd Geoffrey
Flexible Automation in Developing Countries: The Impact on Scale and Scope and the Implications for Location of Production
ISBN 9780415191531 , 1998 , Ludovico Alcorta
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
ISBN 9780444532367 , 2008 , Mark Cook, Frank Jahn, Mark Graham
Production and Operations Analysis
ISBN 9780072865387 , 2005 , Steven Nahmias
Software For Automation: Architecture, Integration, And Security
ISBN 9781556178986 , 2005
Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Petri Net Approach
ISBN 9789810230296 , 1999 , MengChu Zhou, Kurapati Venkatesh
Media Organization and Production
ISBN 9780761974949 , 2003
Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks: Fault Tolerance, Analysis, and Design
ISBN 9780471293422 , 2002 , Martin L. Shooman
ISBN 9780071238373 , 2005 , Steven Nahmias
Acceleration and Automation of Solid Sample Treatment
ISBN 9780444507167 , 2002 , M. D. Luque de Castro, José Luis Luque García
Recording and Production Techniques
ISBN 9781860744433 , 2002 , Paul White
Editing and Post-Production
ISBN 9780240804682 , 2001 , Declan McGrath
Digital Design and Computer Fundamentals
ISBN 9781782739692 , 2013 , 2. utgave , Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg, Jørn Amundsen
Labor Rights and Multinational Production
ISBN 9780521872812 , 2010
Boron: Compounds, Production and Application
ISBN 9781617617607 , 2012
Linear Networks and Systems: Algorithms and Computer-Aided Implementations : Problems and Solutions
ISBN 9789810214548 , 1994 , Wai-Kai Chen
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling: Voting Systems, Health Care, Military, and Manufacturing
ISBN 9780857291387 , 2011 , Theodore T. Allen
FilmCraft: Production Design
ISBN 9781908150615 , 2012 , Fionnuala Halligan