Søk: 'Average and Edge Stresses for Long Flat Plates in Compression for Different Edge Conditions'
Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions
ISBN 9780309100441 , 2006 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Hunters in the Barrens: the Naskapi on the edge of the white man's world
ISBN 9780919666009 , 1973 , Georg Henriksen
Different Seasons
ISBN 9780751504330 , 2001 , Stephen King
Beyond Revolution: The Theory of Shulamith Firestone and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time .
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A century of spin: how public relations became the cutting edge of corporate power
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Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
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Digital Image Compression: Algorithms and Standards
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Contested territory: border disputes at the edge of the former Soviet empire
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A Different View
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Optimisation of Cu (In,Ga) Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells and Modules for Low-irradlance Conditions
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Vector Quantization and Signal Compression
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Strategic Asset Allocation: Portfolio Choice for Long-Term Investors
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Along the Long, Long Trail
ISBN 9780946978052 , 2006
The Doré illustrations for Dante's Divine comedy: 136 plates
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A Long Way Down (Film Tie-In)
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AQA GCSE English Literature a Short Stories Pre-1914 Poetry
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Aspects of Image Processing and Compression
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Politics and policy in democratic Spain--no longer different?
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Introduction to Data Compression
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Adaptive Data Compression
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Performance-Based Design of Structural Steel for Fire Conditions: A Calculation Methodology
ISBN 9780784409633 , 2008 , David L. Parkinson,m.fl.
Air war on the edge: a history of the Israeli Air Force and its aircraft since 1947
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The Universe Next Door: Twelve Mind-blowing Ideas from the Cutting Edge of Science
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A Long Walk in Wintertime
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Harvard Business Essentials: Creating Teams with an Edge : the Complete Skill Set to Build Powerful and Influential Teams
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Digital Image Compression: Algorithms and Standards
ISBN 9780792396260 , 1995 , Weidong Kou
Diplomacy on the Edge: Containment of Ethnic Conflict and the Minorities Working Group of the Conferences on Yugoslavia
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Long Lost
ISBN 9781409102274 , 2009 , Harlan Coben