Søk: 'Bombay Art Deco Architecture: A Visual Journey,1930-1953'
Peregrino: A Pilgrim Journey Into Catholic Mexico
ISBN 9780802865847 , 2011 , Ron Austin
A History of Control Engineering, 1800-1930
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Folkloristiske klassikere, 1800-1930
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Healing With Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey
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Building the New World: Studies in the Modern Architecture of Latin America, 1930-1960
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A Handbook of Greek Art/a Survey of the Visual Arts of Ancient Greece
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Art and architecture in Italy: 1250 to 1400
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The Innovation Journey
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To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher
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A Celestial Journey: Travels With Kirsten
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Art: A Brief History
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The Ice: A Journey to Antarctica
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A World History of Architecture
ISBN 9780071544795 , 2008 , Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, Lawrence Wodehouse
The encyclopedia of visual art. Bd. 1-10
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Computer architecture: a quantitative approach
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The Visual Turn: Classical Film Theory and Art History
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The Art of Art History : A Critical Anthology: A Critical Anthology
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Towards a New Architecture
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Architecture and Modernity: A Critique
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A Little Girl's Journey: I Made It!
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Art: A Brief History
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Computer architecture: a quantitative approach
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A Game Architecture and Design
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