Globalization and the city
ISBN 9780582369122 , 1999 , Rennie Short, Yeong Hyun Kim
The Euro: A Challenge and Opportunity for Financial Markets
ISBN 9780415217101 , 2000 , M.J. Artis, Axel Weber, Elizabeth Hennessy
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781151452429 , 2009 , Thomas Anderton
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781409963677 , 2009 , Thomas Anderton
The Canadian City
ISBN 9780886290184 , 1984 , Alan F. J. Artibise, Gilbert Arthur Stelter
The City Watch Trilogy
ISBN 9780575067981 , 1999 , Terry Pratchett
Cambridge: city & university map
ISBN 9781841391236 , 1999 , Map Group, Compass Maps Limited
Hollowfaust: City of Necromancers
ISBN 9781588461636 , 2001 , Ethan Skemp
Mema's House, Mexico City
ISBN 9780226682563 , 1998 , Annick Prieur
Lonely Planet Mexico City
ISBN 9781864500875 , 2000 , Susan Forsyth, John Noble
Morten Andersen: Fast city
ISBN 9788299532600 , 1999 , Morten Andersen
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781421800974 , 2006 , Thomas Anderton
Istanbul: Memories of a City
ISBN 9780571218332 , 2006 , Orhan Pamuk
The Mediterranean City in Transition
ISBN 9780521025256 , 2006 , Derek Gregory
Edinburgh: City of the Dead
ISBN 9781845020354 , 2004
ISBN 9783575333759 , 1995
Istanbul: Memories and the City
ISBN 9780571227532 , 2005 , Orhan Pamuk
Municipal Accomplishment in City Planning and Published City Plan Reports in the United States
ISBN 9781141450886 , 2010 , Theodora Kimball Hubbard
Hong Kong & Macau.: City Guide.
ISBN 9781740594486 , 2004 , Steve Fallon, Stephen Fallon
City and Village Life
ISBN 9780896866775 , 1993
The SAGE Companion to the City
ISBN 9781412902069 , 2008 , Tim Hall, John Rennie Short
The euro and Britain: implications of moving into the EMU
ISBN 9780273656999 , 2002 , Ali M. El-Agraa
Geocenter City Maps: New York
ISBN 9783575032423 , 2003 , GeoCenter International, Limited,m.fl.
ISBN 9789812348074 , 2003 , Martha Ellen Zenfell
Daylight Noir: Raymond Chandler's Imagined City
ISBN 9788881587247 , 2009 , Jonathan Lethem, Catherine Corman
City Women and the Ghost Writer
ISBN 9781905513444 , 2008
The SAGE Companion to the City
ISBN 9781412902076 , 2008 , Tim Hall, John Rennie Short
Dream of the Walled City
ISBN 9780671042295 , 2001 , Lisa Huang Fleischman
A Companion to the City of Rome
ISBN 9781405198196 , 2012 , Amanda Claridge, Claire Holleran
New York City Berlitz Pocket Guide
ISBN 9789812463715 , 2004 , Karen Farquhar