Søk: 'Cases in Marketing Management'
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach with Marketing in Practice Case Studies Dvd
ISBN 9781405810197 , 2004 , Svend Hollensen
Total Quality Management: Text with Cases
ISBN 9780750639521 , 2000 , John S. Oakland
Cases in Call Center Management: Great Ideas (th)at Work
ISBN 9781557533425 , 2004 , Richard Feinberg, Lynne Bennington, Ko de Ruyter
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
ISBN 9780702186875 , 2011 , Adele Berndt
Cases in Small Business Management: A Strategic Problems Approach
ISBN 9780936894607 , 1993 , John Edward De Young
International marketing and export management
ISBN 9780273686347 , 2005 , Jesper Strandskov, Gerald S. Albaum,m.fl.
Marketing channels: a management view
ISBN 9780324186932 , 2004
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach
ISBN 9780273643784 , 2003 , Svend Hollensen
CU.Kotler/Keller: Marketing Management Pack
ISBN 9781844794539 , 2005 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Safety and Security in Tourism: Relationships, Management, and Marketing
ISBN 9780789019172 , 2004 , Colin Michael Hall, Dallen J. Timothy,m.fl.
Safety and Security in Tourism: Relationships, Management, and Marketing
ISBN 9780789019165 , 2004 , C. Michael Hall, Dallen J. Timothy,m.fl.
Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing & Global Management
ISBN 9780071169615 , 2000 , Johny K. Johansson
Global Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471372899 , 2001 , 2. utgave , Kristiaan Helsen, Masaaki Kotabe
Cases in Consumer Behavior
ISBN 9780618441556 , 2003 , HM, Hmco, Houghton Mifflin Company
Framework for Marketing Management, A
ISBN 9780131204270 , 2003 , Philip Kotler
International marketing and export management
ISBN 9780201419641 , 1998 , Jesper Strandskov, Gerald S. Albaum, Edwin Duerr
Framework for Marketing Management: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273752516 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Cases in Business Policy
ISBN 9788187495086 , 2002 , Ganapati Ramakrishnan
Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases
ISBN 9780071263191 , 2009 , Lynda M. Applegate, Robert D. Austin,m.fl.
Maritime Economics: Management and Marketing
ISBN 9780748739868 , 1998 , Alan E. Branch
Strategic Management and Business Policy: Concepts and Cases
ISBN 9780131984530 , 2006 , Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger
Cases in Strategic Management with PowerWeb and Concept/Case TUTOR Cards
ISBN 9780072518771 , 2001 , III A. J. Strickland, Arthur A. Thompson Jr.,m.fl.
Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing
ISBN 9780273713197 , 2008 , John Egan
Framework for Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780132301428 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice
ISBN 9781559388559 , 1995 , Teresa A. Swartz, David A. Bowen,m.fl.
Principles of Service Marketing and Management
ISBN 9780130950123 , 2002 , Christopher H. Lovelock, Lauren Wright
Valuepack: Global Marketing: A Decision-Orientated Approach/ Marketing Management and Strategy
ISBN 9781405883382 , 2007 , Peter Doyle, Svend Hollensen, Phil Stern
Marketing Management w/Norwegian supplement ** se 9780273755029 **
ISBN 9781847762962 , 2008
Strategic Management And Competitive Advantage: Concepts And Cases
ISBN 9780131542747 , 2006 , Jay B. Barney, William S. Hesterly
WIE Global Marketing Management, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780471451877 , 2003 , 3. utgave , Kristiaan Helsen, Masaaki (Mike) Kotabe