Søk: 'Children, adolescents, and media violence: a critical look at the research'
Abnormal Psychology: Media and Research Update
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Abnormal Psychology. Media and Research Update
ISBN 9780071284318 , 2008 , Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies
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The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies
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Digital Generations: Children, Young People, and New Media
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Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications
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Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, And Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications
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Doing Critical Management Research
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Doing Critical Management Research
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Lies (and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them): Fair and Balanced Look at the Right
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Doing Research with Children and Young People
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Critical Studies in Media Commercialism
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Frontiers in New Media Research
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A spiritual audit of corporate America: a hard look at spirituality, religion, and values in the workplace
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Critical Thinking: Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research
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Introduction to educational research: a critical thinking approach
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Counseling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: Theory and Practice for School and Clinical Settings
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Handbook of Media and Communications Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies
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Conducting Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices
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Alternatives to cognition: a new look at explaining human social behavior
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A Night in at the Opera: Media Representations of Opera
ISBN 9780861964666 , 1994 , Jeremy Tambling
Media and modernity - a social theory of the media
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Sport and Violence
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Client Violence in Social Work Practice: Prevention, Intervention, and Research
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Critical thinking: understanding and evaluating dental research
ISBN 9780867153019 , 1996 , Donald Maxwell Brunette
The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the 20th Century
ISBN 9780333691434 , 2000 , Susan L. Carruthers,m.fl.