Søk: 'Classical Culture and the Idea of Rome in Eighteenth-century England'
A Bushel of Pearls: Painting for Sale in Eighteenth-century Yangchow
ISBN 9780804732529 , 2001 , Ginger Cheng-chi Hsü
Conceptualizing Cruelty to Children in Nineteenth-Century England: Literature, Representation, and the Nspcc
ISBN 9780754664567 , 2009 , Monica Flegel
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
ISBN 9781879549173 , 2009 , Vernon Hyde Minor
The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture
ISBN 9780521698535 , 2008 , m.fl.
The Idea of Human Rights
ISBN 9780199604371 , 2011 , Charles R. Beitz
Classical Readings on Culture and Civilization
ISBN 9780415105170 , 1998
The eighteenth century: the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1700-1789
ISBN 9780582219267 , 1993 , James Sambrook
Studies in tectonic culture: the poetics of construction in nineteenth and twentieth century architecture
ISBN 9780262561495 , 2001 , John Cava, Jacob Aaron Frenkel, Asaf Razîn,m.fl.
Decadent Subjects: The Idea of Decadence in Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Culture of the Fin de Siècle in Europe
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A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England
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The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century v1
ISBN 9780393925319 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England
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Everyday Revolutions: Eighteenth-century Women Transforming Public and Private
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Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
ISBN 9781879549142 , 2006 , Vernon Hyde Minor, American Academy in Rome
Idea work: lessons of the extraordinary in everyday creativity
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Adequate Food for All: Culture, Science, and Technology of Food in the 21st Century
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Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture
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Visual, Material and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland
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The Fall of Rome: And the End of Civilization
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Confucian Values and Popular Zen: Sekimon Shingaku in Eighteenth Century Japan
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The Idea of History
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Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter With Hellenism
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The Art of Greece and Rome
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Pluralism Comes of Age: American Religious Culture in the Twentieth Century
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The Gates of Rome
ISBN 9780007136902 , 2003 , Conn Iggulden
Pluralism comes of age: American religious culture in the twentieth century
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Empress Eugénie and the Arts: Politics and Visual Culture in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9781409405856 , 2011 , Alison McQueen
Ophelia and Victorian visual culture: representing body politics in the nineteenth century
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Absolutely Pietist: patronage, factionalism, and state-building in the early eighteenth-century Prussian army chaplaincy
ISBN 9783484840164 , 2005 , Benjamin Marschke
The Nineteenth-century Visual Culture Reader
ISBN 9780415308663 , 2004 , Jeannene M. Przyblyski