Søk: 'Cognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain and Behavior'
Exploring the Mind-Brain Connection
ISBN 9781436333535 , 2008 , Jorge M.D. Angel
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780495599111 , 2008 , Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer
Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding the Mind by Simulating the Brain
ISBN 9780262650540 , 2000 , Randall C. O'Reilly, Yuko Munakata,m.fl.
Biopsychology with "Beyond the Brain and Behavior" CD-ROM
ISBN 9780205349845 , 2003 , John P. J. Pinel
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780495599135 , 2008 , Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind And Behavior
ISBN 9780495091554 , 2006 , Dennis Coon, John Otto Mitterer
Mind, Brain, Body, And Behavior: The Foundations Of Neuroscience And Behavioral Research at the National Institutes of Health
ISBN 9781586034719 , 2004 , I.G. Farreras, C. Hannaway, V.A. Harden
Mind: Introduction To Cognitive Science
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Adaptive Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction: Methods and Models for Cognitive Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction
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Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology
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Human Embryology and Developmental Biology: With Student Consult Online Access
ISBN 9780323053853 , 2008 , Bruce M. Carlson
Biopsychology with "Beyond the Brain and Behavior" CD-ROM
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Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice
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Memory in Mind and Brain: What Dream Imagery Reveals
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Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
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How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition
ISBN 9780309070362 , 2000 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Inhibition: History and Meaning in the Sciences of Mind and Brain
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Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy: Systemic and Cognitive Perspectives
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Adaptive Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction : Methods and Models for Cognitive Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction: Methods and Models for Cognitive Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction
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Death, Hope and Sex: Steps to an Evolutionary Ecology of Mind and Morality
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Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self: developmental and cultural perspectives
ISBN 9780805837568 , 2003 , Robyn Fivush, Catherine A. Haden
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Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior: An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
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Analogical Reasoning: Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy
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Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior: An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
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Perspectives on Personality
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Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines
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Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life
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